FET to Host Brownfields Seminar

The South Central Wisconsin chapter of the Federation of Environmental Technologists (FET) will host a half-day seminar on brownfields redevelopment topics on Tuesday, February 26, 2019.

The event will take place at the Madison Metropolitan Sewerage District facility, located at 1610 Moorland Road. Seminar speakers will provide information related to brownfields development and compliance in Wisconsin. Presentation topics include:

  • An update and overview of Wisconsin’s Brownfields Study Group
  • Online resources for potential brownfields projects
  • An update on vapor intrusion issues
  • Redevelopment funding sources
  • Brownfields case studies

Please visit the FET website for more information and for registration instructions.



Public Input Opportunity: PECFA Usual & Customary Schedule #25

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program seeks your input on the Usual & Customary (U&C) Task Reference Guide #25 (RR-107) and U&C Schedule Standard Invoice #25 (RR-107a). Both documents are available on the Wisconsin DNR’s proposed program guidance web page.

Comments on these documents are due by December 30, 2018, and may be directed to Jenna.Soyer@wisconsin.gov.

Document updates include a 10 percent increase in the mobilization / demobilization (mobs/demobs) rates compared to the previous schedule, and all standard labor rates have increased by three percent.

NR 712 Consultant Qualification Guidance Posted

Following much collaboration and public comment, Wis. Admin. Code ch. NR 712 Qualifications and Certifications (RR-081) is now available. In addition to the guidance being available on the Remediation and Redevelopment program’s Publications and Forms search page, it can also be found on the program’s web page for Environmental Professionals.

The document identifies the professional qualifications and certifications for performing and supervising work required by Wis. Admin. Code ch. NR 712, and the requirement for certifying specific submittals for actions conducted under Wis. Stat. ch. 292 and Wis. Admin. Code chs. NR 700 – 754.

Continue reading “NR 712 Consultant Qualification Guidance Posted”

Save the Date: Consultants’ Day Events in Spring 2019

Plans are underway for the Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program to host two Consultants’ Day events in the spring of 2019.

The first day-long conference is scheduled for Tuesday, April 30 in Stevens Point at the Holiday Inn Convention Center. The second conference will take place on Thursday, May 9 in Pewaukee at the former Country Springs Conference Center (now called The Ingleside).

The two conference may vary slightly, with possible changes to geographical references or examples to make the conference more relevant to the location, but will essentially be the same.

Continue reading “Save the Date: Consultants’ Day Events in Spring 2019”

Kansas State TAB Program Offers EPA Grant Review

With the competitive nature of securing an EPA Multipurpose, Assessment, or Cleanup (MAC) grant, it doesn’t hurt to have an objective review of your grant application. (See Nov. 30 RR Report article regarding EPA MAC Grants)

The Technical Assistance for Brownfields (TAB) program at Kansas State University provides such a review of your MAC grant proposals. The review is available for applicants in EPA Regions 5 through 8.

Staff at “K State” request at least a week’s notice that you will be sending a draft of the MAC application for review. The review is free of charge and can usually be turned around within a few days.

Continue reading “Kansas State TAB Program Offers EPA Grant Review”

Snapshot: November 2018 PECFA Financials

The Remediation and Redevelopment Program provides a monthly update on the status of Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Award (PECFA) program claims and the overall PECFA program budget.

Below are the updated PECFA numbers for November 2018.

Number Value
Claims Received 97 $1,533,854
Claims Paid 67 $698,516
Claims in Audit Line (as of Nov. 30, 2018) 44 $937,762
Total Paid Biennium to Date $9,303,919

Exempt Soil Guidance Available

Exempt Soil Management: A Self-Implementing Option for Soil Excavated During a Response Action under Wis. Admin. Code chs. NR 700 through NR 750 (RR 103) is now available.

This guidance provides an optional approach for responsible parties and their environmental consultants to use when soil is characterized and excavated as part of a response action (i.e., cleanup action), and the soil does not need to be managed at a licensed solid waste facility or through a site-specific exemption in Wis. Admin. Code chs. NR 718 or the NR 500 rule series. The document provides responsible parties clarity on what types of substances – if identified in soil – could generally be managed as “exempt soil” in accordance with state law without the department’s pre-approval or tracking.

Continue reading “Exempt Soil Guidance Available”

Apply Now for 2019 EPA Brownfield Grants

Applications for 2019 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) brownfield grants are now being accepted. The Request for Proposals and the Application Guidelines officially open the FY 2019 Brownfields Multipurpose, Assessment, and Cleanup Grant competition. Applications for these grants are due January 31st, 2019.

Grants offered by the EPA Brownfields Program may be used by local governments, tribes and non-profit organizations to address known or suspected contaminated sites. In March of 2018 the Brownfields Utilization, Investment and Local Development (BUILD) Act was enacted. The BUILD Act reauthorized EPA’s Brownfields Program and made several important changes that affect the grant programs that are described on the EPA Grants web page.

Continue reading “Apply Now for 2019 EPA Brownfield Grants”

Please Use the Revised U&C Schedule #24

There was an error in the U&C #24 Standardized Invoice that was announced in the RR Report in late June 2018.

The new Task 37 was not included in the invoice sum formula. This issue has now been fixed. Please make sure you are using the most current invoice from the DNR website.

The Usual & Customary Cost Standardized Invoice and Task Reference Guide #24 is posted on the DNR’s PECFA web page under the “Reimbursement” tab.

Snapshot: October 2018 PECFA Financials

The Remediation and Redevelopment Program provides a monthly update on the status of Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Award (PECFA) claims and the overall budget of the PECFA award program. Below are the updated PECFA numbers for October 2018.

Number Value
Claims Received 63 $986,709
Claims Paid 104 $1,150,749
Claims in audit line (as of Oct. 31, 2018) 13 $208,695
Total Paid Biennium to Date   $8,668,687