Meetings, Events & Trainings

DNR To Hold RR External Advisory Group Meeting

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will host a Remediation and Redevelopment External Advisory Group (RR EAG) meeting on Thursday, July 25, 2024.  

The RR EAG was formed to address a broad range of issues, encompassing both technical and policy topics related to encouraging the investigation, cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated sites in Wisconsin. 

The RR EAG identifies issues and topics of interest that may be addressed by ad hoc subgroups. Subgroup members are expected to research and develop recommendations on the selected topics for presentation to the full group. RR EAG meetings are open to the public.  

Milwaukee DNR Service Center 
Harbor Room 
1027 W. St. Paul Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53233 

Please check in at the security desk. 

July 25, 2024
9 a.m. to noon 

Register to attend via Zoom

In-person attendees should RSVP to by noon on Wednesday, July 24, 2024. 

Visit the DNR’s RR EAG webpage for meeting agendas, materials and additional information. Subscribe for updates on future RR EAG meetings.

Brownfield Redevelopment Open House For Local Governments On April 24, 2024

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will hold a brownfield redevelopment open house for local governments on Wednesday, April 24, 2024. 

A brownfield is a property where expansion, redevelopment or reuse is complicated by real or potential contamination. Brownfields vary in size, location, age and past use; they can be anything from a 500-acre former automobile assembly plant to a small, abandoned gas station.  

The open house will focus on resources available to local governments for redevelopment of brownfield properties into community assets, including funding, liability and other tools and assistance available from the DNR.    

Staff from the DNR and Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) will be available for questions and discussions on brownfield resources as well as due diligence in the acquisition of brownfield properties and how to locate information about contaminated sites.   

Local government officials interested in learning more about brownfield redevelopment in Wisconsin are encouraged to attend.   

April 24, 2024
10 a.m. – noon 

DNR Spooner Service Center 
Community Room 112
810 W Maple St.
Spooner, WI   

Attendees should RSVP to by April 18, 2024.   

Unable to attend but interested in learning how cleaning up brownfields can help your community? The DNR’s series of on-demand Brownfields Fundamentals webinars cover planning, cleanup, liability, and other topics as part of a well-rounded crash course in Wisconsin brownfield redevelopment.   

The DNR has a wide range of financial and liability tools available to help local governments, businesses, lenders, and others clean up and redevelop brownfields in Wisconsin, including Ready for Reuse financial awards, which may be used for environmental cleanup. DNR staff around the state are available to meet with community leaders, bankers, developers and private individuals to discuss brownfield projects through Green Team meetings.   

More information about the DNR’s brownfield cleanup programs and services is available on the DNR’s brownfields webpage.   

Rule Advisory Committee Meetings April 12, 2024

The NR 700 Rule Advisory Committee will meet with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) on Friday, April 12, 2024. 

The DNR formed the Rule Advisory Committee to advise DNR staff during development of proposed rules. The Rule Advisory Committee is comprised of representatives from environmental consulting and law firms, local government groups, industry stakeholders, affected state agencies and environmental advocacy groups. All Rule Advisory Committee meetings are open to the public.


State Natural Resources Building (GEF 2)
Rm G09
101 S. Webster St.
Madison, WI

Please check-in at the security desk before taking the elevator.
In-person attendees should RSVP to by noon on Thursday, April 11, 2024.

Friday, April 12, 2024 
9 – 11 a.m. – Continuing Obligations (RR-14-23)
Register to attend via Zoom.

Noon – 2 p.m. Soil Standards (RR-15-23) 
Register to attend via Zoom.

Visit the DNR’s NR 700 Rule Changes webpage to register and view meeting agendas, materials and the full Rule Advisory Committee meeting schedule. Subscribe for updates on future Rule Advisory Committee meetings.

ITRC Comprehensive Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Training March 14 and 28

The Interstate Technology Regulatory Council (ITRC) will offer online vapor intrusion training over two sessions on March 14 and March 28, 2024.

Environmental professionals are encouraged to register at the CLU-IN Vapor Intrusion Mitigation webpage. While the documents are designed to assist state regulators, they also raise awareness with environmental consultants and other industry professionals.

The Vapor Intrusion Mitigation training series provides an overview of vapor intrusion mitigation and presents information on how to utilize the ITRC’s Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Interactive Directory. The interactive directory includes fact sheets, technology information sheets and checklists. DNR staff participated in the development of both the technical resources and training.

The training consists of a series of eight modules on the topics listed below and will be presented over two, two-hour sessions:

Session 1 – March 14, 2024, noon to 2 p.m.
Topics Include:

  • Introduction and overview of vapor intrusion mitigation training team
  • Conceptual site models for vapor intrusion mitigation
  • Public outreach during vapor intrusion mitigation
  • Rapid response and ventilation for vapor intrusion mitigation
  • Remediation and institutional controls

Session 2 – March 28, 2024, noon to 2 p.m.
Topics Include:

  • Active mitigation approaches
  • Passive mitigation approaches
  • System verification, OM&M and exit strategies

Site-specific questions regarding vapor intrusion in Wisconsin should be directed to the assigned DNR Project Manager. General vapor intrusion questions can be directed to the contacts listed on the DNR’s Vapor Intrusion Resources for Environmental Professionals webpage.

Issues & Trends Webinar On Jan. 31, 2024: When Should A Site Investigation Enter Surface Water

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program’s next webinar in the Issues & Trends series will take place on Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2024, from noon-1 p.m.

The scheduled presentation is titled When Should a Site Investigation Enter Surface Water and will be followed by time for questions. Site investigation scoping is the first step to developing a site investigation work plan. This webinar will highlight what information to evaluate at sediment sites during site investigation scoping. It will also cover potential pathways for contamination to enter surface water.

A Zoom web conferencing registration link may be found on the RR Program’s Conferences and Training webpage.

Recordings of previous Issues & Trends webinars may be found in the RR Program’s Training Library.

Preliminary Public Hearing On Statements Of Scope

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program will hold a preliminary public hearing on two statements of scope.

The statements of scope are subject to the approval of the Natural Resources Board. If approved, the statements of scope would allow the DNR to begin drafting administrative rule revisions affecting Wisconsin Administrative Code chapters NR 700-799.

  • Scope Statement for Board Order RR-14-23 (Continuing Obligations) – Proposes developing administrative rules that affect chapters NR 700, 708, 714, 722, 724, 725, 726, 727 and 749 related to definitions, notifications, fees, agreements, reports, and procedures for interim action and remedial action continuing obligations for environmental contamination.
  • Scope Statement for Board Order RR-15-23 (Soil Standards) – Proposes developing administrative rules that affect chapters NR 700, 720 and 722 related to definitions, land use classifications, procedures for identifying environmental standards for soil, and soil cleanup standards used to investigate and remediate environmental contamination.

The statements of scope may be viewed on the DNR’s Administrative Rules webpage under the “RR – Remediation and Redevelopment” row.

What: RR Program Preliminary Public Hearing on two Statements of Scope
When: Dec. 21, 2023, at 1 p.m.
Where: Online; To register and attend via Zoom, please view the Notice of Preliminary Hearing on Statement of Scope on the DNR’s Administrative Rules webpage for instructions.

The public has the opportunity to testify at the hearing. Comments on the proposed scope statements must be received on or before Dec. 21, 2023. Email written comments to

KSU TAB Offers “Preparing For Brownfields Grants With Clean Energy Reuse In Mind” Workshop Series

Kansas State University’s Technical Assistance to Brownfields program (KSU TAB) is offering a four-part workshop series starting Oct. 3, 2023: “Preparing for Brownfields Grants with Clean Energy Reuse in Mind.”

What Can You Expect?

  • Each virtual workshop will be interactive and engaging and is designed to build on each of the previous workshops; it is strongly encouraged participants attend all sessions.
  • Gain strategies for incorporating clean energy reuse into EPA brownfields grants due Nov. 13, 2023.
  • Learn about funding and financing options for clean energy projects.

This miniseries will start with general education and tips for grant preparation and then progress into more tailored feedback on specific plans and applications. The first three workshops will focus on preparing for the EPA brownfields grants and how to include clean energy as a reuse for some sites. The final workshop will be after the Nov. 13, 2023 EPA brownfields grant deadline and focus on broader funding and financing strategies for brightfields projects.

Who Is This For?
This cohort is specifically tailored to local governments and others interested in pursuing EPA brownfields grants and other state and federal funding for clean energy reuse. While it’s beneficial to have one or more sites in mind for assessment, cleanup and/or reuse, it’s not a requirement for participation. Participants must be from public or non-profit entities and located within EPA Regions 5, 6, 7 or 8 (Map of EPA Region) and Tribal communities.


  • What: Preparing for Brownfields Grants with Clean Energy Reuse in Mind, a series of four workshops
  • When: Starting Oct. 3, 2023 and ending December 2023
  • Where: All workshops will be hosted virtually via Zoom
  • Cost: None
  • Register: More details and registration links are available on the KSU TAB brightfields projects webpage.

DNR To Hold Remediation And Redevelopment External Advisory Group Subgroup Meetings

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will host Remediation and Redevelopment External Advisory Group (RR EAG) subgroup meetings on Thursday, Sept. 7, 2023.

The RR EAG was formed to address a broad range of issues, encompassing both technical and policy topics related to encouraging the investigation, cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated sites in Wisconsin.

The RR EAG identifies issues and topics of interest that may be addressed by ad hoc subgroups. Subgroup members are expected to research and develop recommendations on the selected topics for presentation to the full group. RR EAG subgroup meetings are open to the public.

State Natural Resources Building (GEF 2)
Rm. G-27
101 S. Webster St.
Madison, WI

Please check-in at the security desk before taking the elevator.

In-person attendees should RSVP to by noon on Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2023.


* A subgroup focused on Vapor Intrusion was proposed during the July RR EAG meeting. The initial RR EAG Vapor Intrusion subgroup meeting will focus on drafting a work plan that may include outcomes such as:

    • Awareness of vapor intrusion risks and reduced exposure to humans
    • Long-term stewardship of vapor mitigation systems
    • Increased identification of high risk vapor intrusion sites
    • Increased coordination with partners/stakeholders at sites with risk of exposure to vapor intrusion

Visit the DNR’s RR EAG webpage for meeting agendas, materials and additional information. Subscribe for updates on future RR EAG meetings.

New Vapor Intrusion-Focused Subgroup For DNR’s Remediation And Redevelopment External Advisory Group

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Remediation and Redevelopment Program External Advisory Group (RR EAG) has added a new subgroup focused on Vapor Intrusion.

The DNR’s RR Program oversees the investigation and cleanup of environmental contamination and the redevelopment of contaminated properties. The RR EAG and its subgroups (Vapor Intrusion, Environmental Justice, NR 700, Funding Sustainability, Contaminated Sediments) were formed to address a broad range of issues, encompassing both technical and policy topics related to encouraging the investigation, cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated sites in Wisconsin.

A subgroup focused on Vapor Intrusion was proposed during the July RR EAG meeting.

The first meeting of the RR EAG Vapor Intrusion subgroup will be Thursday, Sept. 7, 2023.

The initial RR EAG Vapor Intrusion subgroup meeting will focus on drafting a work plan that may include outcomes such as:

  • Awareness of vapor intrusion risks and reduced exposure to humans
  • Long-term stewardship of vapor mitigation systems
  • Increased identification of high-risk vapor intrusion sites
  • Increased coordination with partners/stakeholders at sites with risk of exposure to vapor intrusion

Thursday, Sept. 7, 2023
2-3:30 p.m.

State Natural Resources Bldg. (GEF 2)
Rm. G-27
101 S. Webster St.
Madison, WI

In-person attendees should RSVP to by noon on Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2023.
Join us via Zoom – Zoom attendance registration.

All meetings are open to the public and we encourage you to share this invite with those who you think may be interested. Visit the DNR’s RR EAG webpage for meeting agendas, materials and additional information. Subscribe for updates on future RR EAG meetings.

DNR To Hold Remediation And Redevelopment External Advisory Group Meeting

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will host its quarterly Remediation and Redevelopment External Advisory Group (RR EAG) meeting from 9 a.m. to noon on Thursday, July 13, 2023.

The DNR’s RR Program oversees the investigation and cleanup of environmental contamination and the redevelopment of contaminated properties. The DNR has a business need to receive constructive and practical input from, and provide information to, interested parties on a wide variety of regulatory and policy issues.

The RR EAG was formed to address a broad range of issues encompassing both technical and policy topics related to encouraging the investigation, cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated sites.

The RR EAG meetings are open to the public. In-person attendees should RSVP to by noon on Wednesday, July 12, 2023.

In-person attendance appreciated, if you feel comfortable, to encourage a more productive discussion.

What: Remediation and Redevelopment External Advisory Group Meeting
When: 9 a.m. – noon on Thursday, July 13, 2023
Where: DNR La Crosse Service Center
Room B-19
3550 Mormon Coulee Rd
La Crosse, WI 54601

Register to join the meeting via Zoom.

Visit the DNR’s RR EAG webpage for meeting agendas, materials and additional information. Subscribe for updates on future meetings.