RR Sites Map

Now Available: Beta Version Of New RR Sites Map

The RR Sites Map is the Wisconsin DNR’s web-based mapping system that provides information about contaminated properties and other activities related to the investigation and cleanup of contaminated soil or groundwater in Wisconsin. The RR Sites Map is part of the DNR’s Wisconsin Remediation and Redevelopment Database, an interlinked system tracking information on different contaminated land activities. 

The RR Sites Map will be moving to a new platform and will have a new look in July 2024.  

The beta version of the RR Sites Map includes the following improvements over the existing platform:  

  • New layers for contaminated sediment locations, including both points and polygons (visit “Additional Activity Information”) 
  • A new layer for materials management locations (visit “Other BRRTS Activities”) 
  • A condensed toolbar without tabs, making it easier to find tools and information 
  • The ability to mark the map with measurements or shapes and save the map in a file that can be easily reloaded later 
  • The ability to add data from a map service 

Customers can now preview the new beta version of the RR Sites Map and provide feedback or recommendations for the new platform to help the DNR make future improvements. Please contact Geoffrey.House@wisconsin.gov with feedback or questions. 

Updates To The RR Sites Map And Polygon Layers

RR Sites Map (RRSM) is undergoing updates that will include the removal of some of the polygon area layers. Polygon layers show site or property boundaries on RRSM and may include outdated or inconsistent spatial information.

Polygon layers will remain for Voluntary Party Liability Exemption (VPLE), Facility-wide and Green Space grant site boundaries. Users can generally find more detailed information related to the layout of the specific activities in reports available on the Bureau of Remediation and Redevelopment Tracking System (BRRTS) on the Web (BOTW).

Please contact Sonya.Rowe@wisconsin.gov with technical issues during this transition process.

RR Sites Map Updates

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) recently made updates to the Remediation and Redevelopment Sites Map (RRSM).

Winter 2023 updates include:

  • 2022 leaf-on aerial photos added.
  • Improved leaf-off aerial photo imagery by updating to 2018-2021 imagery (state-wide, 3″-12″ resolution).
  • Modified slider bar to only include the aerial photos.
  • All aerial photos now viewable at scales from 1:50,000 to 1:248.
  • County tax parcels now identifiable starting at a scale of 1:15,840 through 1:248.
  • Ability to toggle the dynamic parcel labels on and off; this option is available starting at a scale of 1:3,960.

The RRSM is the DNR web-based mapping system that provides information on contaminated properties and other activities related to the investigation and cleanup of contamination in Wisconsin. Access the RRSM, additional information about map layers and user tips on the RRSM webpage.

DNR’s Database Of Remediation And Redevelopment Activities Can Help Local Governments

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) maintains a public database of locations with remediation and redevelopment activities in Wisconsin.

The database is referred to as the DNR’s Bureau of Remediation and Redevelopment Tracking System on the web. A visual display of much of the information is available on the web-based mapping system, RR Sites Map.

Over 95,000 properties are in included in the database. Contaminated sites (i.e., the physical area of environmental contamination) affect properties in all counties and in approximately 95% of all cities, towns and villages in Wisconsin. The system includes links to numerous letters, reports and other information about the properties.

The DNR encourages local governmental units to use the database and RR Sites Map to identify contaminated and cleaned up properties within their communities. Information from the database and RR Sites Map may be useful to local governments when:

  • Identifying potential health and safety concerns in the community
  • Evaluating potential real estate transactions (e.g., conducting due diligence activities prior to the initiation of condemnation, tax foreclosure and other property acquisitions efforts)
  • Considering issuance of permits or approving plans for development – this includes understanding the status of contamination at sites where the cleanup is complete because residual contamination may affect the allowed uses and redevelopment options for a property, or require ongoing maintenance (e.g., caps over contaminated areas)
  • Reviewing proposed public works and utility projects to determine feasibility and whether contaminated material needs to be managed
  • Understanding the status of the property within the cleanup process, including what types of contamination is present, what needs to be done to satisfy regulatory requirements, and who is responsible for completing the necessary work

DNR staff are also available to help. Local governments can contact a brownfields specialist or schedule a “Green Team” meeting with DNR to discuss specific properties.

For more information about how to use the database, go to https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/Brownfields/botwHelp.html

RR Program Makes Website Changes To Enhance Customer Service

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program has reconfigured its main landing pages and added redevelopment resources to the RR Sites Map to better serve our customers.

New And Improved Landing Pages

The RR Program oversees the investigation and cleanup of environmental contamination throughout the state and provides technical guidance and assistance to responsible parties and environmental professionals.

Equally, the RR Program helps local governments, prospective purchasers, lenders, developers and property owners understand and navigate the redevelopment and revitalization of brownfields, which are properties that are contaminated or suspected to be contaminated.

RR Program has reorganized its website using three separate topic-specific landing pages:

The new Environmental Contamination and Cleanup landing page is geared towards environmental professionals and includes direct links to numerous technical topics and links to the guidance and forms index, the RR Sites Map and the Bureau for Remediation and Redevelopment Tracking System (BRRTS). Environmental professionals should bookmark this new page designed specifically to provide links to the most-sought technical resources.

The Brownfields landing page serves as a toolbox for local governments, prospective purchasers, lenders, developers and property owners. It provides information on the basics of cleaning up and redeveloping a contaminated site and information regarding liability, financial resources, how to schedule Green Team meetings with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and success stories of brownfields redevelopment projects throughout the state.

The Spills landing page provides instruction on reporting hazardous substance spills and discharges in Wisconsin.

Further improvements include prominent links to the RR Submittal Portal and the RR Report newsfeed on each landing page. Users will also now find quick access to public input opportunities and a link to a new external advisory groups page.

Saved or bookmarked pages will continue to work seamlessly; these upgrades only affect the RR Program’s landing pages.

RR Sites Map

RR Sites Map is the RR Program’s GIS mapping application that provides information about remediation and redevelopment activities in Wisconsin. Recently, redevelopment resources were added to help users evaluate sites in relation to socioeconomic data, including links to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Superfund Redevelopment Mapper, the U.S. EPA Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool and the Center for Disease Control/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (CDC/ATSDR) Social Vulnerability Index. In addition, layers from the CDC/ATSDR Social Vulnerability Index are now available on the map (in the map and data tasks tab, select the layer catalog, then choose Non-DNR Data and Social/Cultural/Economic Information).

The RR Program welcomes your feedback on these improvements. Send your thoughts and suggestions to Jodie Peotter at jodie.peotter@wisconsin.gov.

Reminder: Issues & Trends Webinar on March 16, 2021: BRRTS on the Web (BOTW) Updates and Highlights of the RR Sites Map (RRSM) User Survey

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) program reminds you that the next webinar in the Issues & Trends series will take place on Tuesday, March 16, 2021 from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

The scheduled presentation features updates to BRRTS on the Web (BOTW) and highlights of the user survey related to the RR Sites Map (RRSM).

A Zoom web conferencing registration link, along with a schedule of future Issues & Trends presentations, may be found on the RR Program’s Conferences and Training webpage.

Danielle Wincensten and Jesse Papez, data services and GIS specialists with the RR program will demonstrate recent improvements to BOTW and discuss results of a user survey, including ways that survey responses have been, and could be, addressed in the RRSM application. BOTW and RRSM are the two applications that allow the public to access the RR program’s online database of Wisconsin’s contaminated land activities.

Recordings of previous Issues & Trends webinars can be found in the RR Program’s Training Library.

RR Program Seeks Input on Map Tool

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program seeks your input and advice that will help guide future refinement of the RR Sites Map (RRSM), the visual component and counterpart to the Bureau for Remediation and Redevelopment Tracking System (BRRTS) on the Web (BOTW).

A brief survey is now available to gather your feedback on the RR Sites Map. The RR Program wants to gain a better understanding of the customers who use the application and how they use it.

Continue reading “RR Program Seeks Input on Map Tool”

RR Program Phasing Out the Term “GIS Registry”

The words “GIS Registry” were removed from such popular Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program resources as RR Sites Map, BRRTS on the Web (BOTW), and the Case Closure Form (please note that the content and requirements of the Case Closure form did not change).

This is a deliberate and ongoing effort by the RR Program to update the outdated term “GIS Registry.” Instead, you may see or hear staff refer to the “Continuing Obligations Packet” (formerly the GIS Registry Packet), “database fees” instead of GIS fees, or “the database,” when discussing where to find information about sites with continuing obligations.

Regardless of how it’s stated, all sites with residual contamination and/or continuing obligations are required to be listed on the Wisconsin Remediation and Redevelopment Database (WRRD), comprised of BOTW and RR Sites Map.

In the coming months, RR Program staff will continue to remove “GIS Registry” from our forms and documents. Most of the RR Program web pages are already updated. If you have any questions please contact Jenna Soyer, the Fiscal and Information Technology section chief, at 608-267-2465 or Jenna.Soyer@wisconsin.gov.

New Features for RR Sites Map

RR Sites Map is the online companion to the DNR’s Remediation and Redevelopment database of known environmental contamination and cleanup cases in Wisconsin. It allows users to find sites visually and geographically, and then drill down into the database for further details, if desired. 

RR Sites Map Screenshot

RR Sites Map is part of the DNR’s Wisconsin Remediation and Redevelopment Database (WRRD), an inter-linked system tracking information on different contaminated land activities.

RR Sites Map works on desktop computers, phones, and other mobile devices. It’s a great way to get information about closed and continuing remediation activities.

The DNR seeks to continually improve user experiences with this application. Recent updates include:

  • Removed the “GIS Registry” layer group. 
    • The term “GIS Registry” was used in the past to refer to sites that were closed with residual contamination. The DNR now uses the term “Continuing Obligations”, along with a list of these obligations in the closure letter, to let the public know residual contamination exists and that some ongoing requirements exist to continue protecting public health. Sites with “Continuing Obligations” now have their own layer.
  • Added the new “Additional Site Information” layer group. 
    • This new layer group includes both the new “Continuing Obligations” layer and preexisting “Impacted Another Property” layer, which identifies sites with migrating contamination. 
  • Added aerial photos from 2017 to the base maps and image slider tool. 
  • Changed the name of the “Contaminated and Cleaned Up Sites” layer group to “Open & Closed Sites.” 
  • Added a “Layer Catalog” button to the data and tasks tab. 
    • After clicking the button, select the desired GIS data layers and they will appear in the left-side layers panel along with the default layer options.
    • New layer options include: DNR office locations; private water well locations; dual aquifers; landfills with 1,200-foot buffers; areas where special well casing is required; and other agency data such as soil types, hydric ratings and drainage classes.

Let us know how you use RR Sites Map, and please share your suggestions for improvement by emailing them to DNRRRBRRTSFeedback@wisconsin.gov.

Updates to RR Program’s Sites Map Application

Users of the RR Sites Map (RRSM) application will notice recent upgrades to the popular mobile and desktop mapping system, made available by the Remediation and Redevelopment Program. The application is used to display completed or ongoing contamination cleanup sites across the state, as well as those sites that have received financial or liability assistance.

RR Sites Map Screenshot

RR Sites Map is part of the DNR’s Wisconsin Remediation and Redevelopment Database (WRRD), an inter-linked system tracking information on different contaminated land activities.

In an effort to enhance your experience with RRSM, we have recently made the following updates:

  • The addition of “2010–2016 aerial photos” to the layer list and base map; and
  • The addition of “county tax parcels” to the layer list.

County tax parcels recently became available following a multi-year project spearheaded by the Wisconsin Department of Administration.

Other improvements include the addition of a “plot coordinates” tool to the navigation tab, a “hide labels” button to the measure tool (under the draw and measure tab) and a “law enforcement contacts” button under the information tab.

Comments or suggestions about RRSM can be directed to DNRRRBRRTSFeedback@wisconsin.gov.