Issues And Trends Webinar: Investigation Of Vapor Intrusion Along The Utility Conduit Pathway

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The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program’s next webinar in the Issues & Trends series will take place on Nov. 7, 2024.

Understanding vapor intrusion pathways at contaminated sites is an important aspect of protecting human health when investigating discharges to the environment that include volatile compounds. The steps to investigate the utility conduit pathway of vapor intrusion, which may include sanitary and storm sewers, sumps and building plumbing, is the topic of an upcoming webinar presented by the DNR.

Investigation of Vapor Intrusion along the Utility Conduit Pathway
Nov. 7, 2024
10 – 11:30 a.m.
Register to attend by Zoom

The webinar will cover important information about vapor intrusion along the conduit pathway. Presenters will summarize the results of a multi-year effort to collect several hundred samples within conduits at approximately 70 sites in Wisconsin. Attendees will learn some of the basic concepts of how contaminant vapors enter and travel through utility conduits, eventually reaching indoor air. The webinar will review options to sample for vapor intrusion including a discussion of the DNR’s approach to conduit sampling during state-funded investigations.

The webinar is part of the RR Program’s Issues & Trends series. This series offers webinars that provide program and rulemaking updates and information on issues related to environmental contamination and cleanup. Past “Issues & Trends” are available to view by visiting our RR Presentations & Training Library.

Redevelopment Of Brownfield Properties: Learning Sessions For Local Governments: Assistance Available For Reuse Of Underused And Abandoned Properties

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will host learning sessions for local governments on redevelopment of underused and abandoned properties, otherwise known as brownfields, on Nov. 12 in Whitewater, Nov. 15 in Dodgeville and Nov. 20 in Shawano. The sessions are free to attend and the same content will be covered in each location.

A brownfield is a property where real or perceived contamination complicates expansion, redevelopment or reuse. Brownfields may be found in many locations throughout the state and vary in size, age and past use.

The in-person sessions will share information about resources available to support local governments in redevelopment of properties into community assets. Participants will learn how to identify brownfield sites in their community and understand the liability considerations and due diligence recommended when acquiring brownfield properties. Highlights of the sessions include an overview of funding and other assistance available to support redevelopment efforts.

“I didn’t know what a brownfield was until the day before the event,” states Lisa Lien, clerk for the village of Clayton said after attending an event hosted by the DNR in Spooner in April 2024. “I learned a ton during the seminar and now have a great understanding of brownfield redevelopment.”

The learning sessions will also offer an opportunity for local governments to connect one-on-one with representatives from the DNR and Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) and ask questions about brownfield properties and redevelopment.

Session Information

Redevelopment from downtown brownfield into a fire station in the city of Amery

Redevelopment from downtown brownfield into a fire station in the city of Amery

Nov. 12, 2024
The Innovation Center
1221 Innovation Dr.
Time: 10 a.m. – noon

Nov. 15, 2024
Community Room
Iowa County Health & Human Services Bldg
303 W Chapel St.
Time: 11:15 a.m. – 1:15 p.m.

Nov. 20, 2024
Community Room, City Hall
127 S Sawyer St.
Time: 10 a.m. – noon

Local government officials interested in learning more about brownfield redevelopment in Wisconsin are encouraged to attend. To register for one of the sessions, contact by Nov. 7, 2024.

More information about DNR’s brownfield cleanup programs and services is available on the DNR’s brownfields webpage. The page provides access to a webinar series titled “Brownfields Fundamentals” for on-demand information on brownfield redevelopment topics.

DNR staff around the state are available to meet with community leaders, bankers, developers and private individuals to discuss brownfield projects. Reach out to schedule a Green Team meeting.

DNR To Hold RR External Advisory Group Meeting

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will host a virtual meeting of the Remediation and Redevelopment External Advisory Group (RR EAG) on Friday, Oct. 11, 2024.  

The RR EAG was formed to address a broad range of issues, encompassing both technical and policy topics related to encouraging the investigation, cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated sites in Wisconsin. 

The RR EAG identifies issues and topics of interest that may be addressed by ad hoc subgroups. Subgroup members are expected to research and develop recommendations on the selected topics for presentation to the full group. RR EAG meetings are open to the public.  

Meeting Details 
Oct. 11, 2024
9 a.m. to noon
Virtual only: Zoom attendance registration. 

Visit the DNR’s RR EAG webpage for meeting agendas, materials and additional information. Subscribe for updates on future RR EAG meetings.

Now Available: U.S. EPA FY 2025 Brownfields Grant Guidelines & Wisconsin State Acknowledgement Letters

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) is now accepting applications for FY25 Brownfields Multipurpose, Assessment and Cleanup Grants. The deadline for applications is Nov. 14, 2024.

Visit the U.S. EPA’s FY25 Brownfields MARC Application Resource webpage for grant information, requirements and other valuable resources such as:

  • A new resource for state/tribal environmental authorities: FY 2025 Cleanup Grant sample site characterization letter template
  • Pre-recorded videos to provide an overview of the FY25 grant application submission
  • Dates and links to webinars on grant ranking criteria
  • Tips and ideas for grant proposals

Grants offered by the U.S. EPA Brownfields Program may be used on various brownfield activities, with an opportunity to transform contaminated sites into community assets that attract jobs and achieve broader economic development outcomes.

Wisconsin State Acknowledgement Letters
If your community or organization intends to apply for an FY25 MAC Grant, the EPA requires grant applicants – except tribal entities – to obtain a state acknowledgement letter from the DNR. The letter acknowledges that the state is aware of the community or organization’s application for a federal grant and intent to conduct brownfield assessment or cleanup activities.

Requests for a DNR acknowledgement letter are due by Oct. 25, 2024. Send written requests for state acknowledgement letters to Molly Schmidt at no later than Oct. 25, 2024, to allow adequate time to draft and receive the letter prior to the U.S. EPA’s application deadline of Nov. 14, 2024. More information about state acknowledgement letter requirements is available on the DNR Federal Brownfield Grants webpage under “DNR acknowledgement letter.”

On-Demand Webinars Share Brownfields Fundamentals
Interested in learning how cleaning up brownfields can help your community? The DNR’s series of on-demand Brownfields Fundamentals webinars cover brownfields planning, cleanup, liability and other topics as part of a well-rounded crash course in Wisconsin brownfields redevelopment. Topics include:

Brownfields Fundamentals on-demand webinars are available on the RR Program’s Presentations and Trainings webpage.

Public Input Opportunity On Two Publications – Guidance: Contaminated Soil Quick Reference Table (RR-106) and Guidance: Soil Residual Contaminant Level (RCL) Spreadsheet (RR-0151)

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program is now seeking input on two publications. 

  • Guidance: Contaminated Soil Quick Reference Table (RR-106) 
  • Guidance: Soil Residual Contaminant Level (RCL) Spreadsheet (RR-0151) 

The purpose of the publications is to provide resources for externals to look up soil residual contaminant levels, or RCLs, that are developed using standard equations in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Regional Screening Level (RSL) Calculator. RCLs are commonly used at remediation sites but are not required. The responsible party (RP) has the option to develop and propose a site-specific soil standard. The Contaminated Soil Quick Reference Table contains contaminants commonly encountered at remediation sites. The Soil RCL Spreadsheet “does the math” to make it easier for the RP and their consultant, but using it is optional.  

The DNR updated the publications in response to the U.S. EPA’s May 2024 update to its RSLs. Screening levels for 18 contaminants changed since the last update to the DNR’s publications in 2018. Ten common contaminants were added to the Soil RCL Spreadsheet and it also incorporates a cumulative risk calculator for carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (cPAHs).  

The documents can be found at the RR Program’s Public Notices webpage. Comments may be submitted through Oct. 2, 2024, to Erin Endsley at or 

Sept. 19, 2024 Meetings Of RR EAG Subgroups Canceled

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today announced that the Sept. 19, 2024 meetings of the Funding Sustainability, NR 700 and Vapor Intrusion subgroups of the Remediation and Redevelopment External Advisory Group (RR EAG) are canceled.

The full RR EAG will meet on Oct. 11, 2024. The RR EAG will discuss future plans for the subgroups in light of the announcement on Sept. 10, 2024 that administrative rulemaking efforts related to the investigation and cleanup of hazardous substance discharges to the environment are discontinued.

All meetings of the RR EAG and subgroups are open to the public. Visit the DNR’s RR EAG webpage for registration information, meeting agendas and materials.

Subscribe to receive updates on future meetings.

Current NR 700 Rulemaking Efforts Discontinued

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today announced it will discontinue current administrative rulemaking efforts related to the investigation and cleanup of hazardous substance discharges to the environment.

Wisconsin Statutes (Wis. Stat.) Ch. 292 directs certain parties to clean up contaminated sites in Wisconsin; Wisconsin Administrative (Wis. Admin.) Code chs. NR 700-799 provide the specific steps and standards for conducting cleanup activities.

In January 2024, two scope statements were approved for rulemaking by the Wisconsin Natural Resources Board. The scope statements were related to continuing obligations (Board Order RR-14-23) and soil cleanup (Board Order RR-15-23). Rulemaking efforts are intended to provide clarification to existing statutes that are helpful to our external partners and customers as they work to investigate and clean up contamination in our state.

The DNR formed the NR 700 Rule Advisory Committee (RAC) to advise DNR staff during development of these proposed rules. Through meetings with the RAC, DNR recognized the need for and importance of taking additional time to conceptualize how best to revise the rules to meet the shared objectives of the DNR and external partners and customers.

The DNR will discontinue efforts on both scope statements and will allow the authority to work on rule revisions to expire. All meetings of the NR 700 Rule Advisory Committee (RAC) are cancelled.

The DNR would like to recognize and thank the RAC and many other members of the public who have provided us with valuable input on both draft rules. Our collaborative work is not lost. The DNR will consider the input we have received, will continue to work with the RR EAG, and will reintroduce scope statements in the future to restart work on the rules.

The DNR will continue to apply its authority under existing statutes and rules to serve our customers as they are accustomed and ensure protection of public health and the environment.

Sign up to receive future chs. NR 700-799 rulemaking updates and meeting announcements.

VMS Active Notification Information Now Available

New information focused on use of active notifications including using telemetry systems when monitoring an active vapor mitigation system (VMS) is now available on the vapor intrusion resources for environmental professionals webpage.

Monitoring of an active VMS is important to ensure that the system continues to work as designed. Active notifications (continuous monitoring) may include audible alarms, visual indicators and telemetry.

The webpage is a resource for environmental professionals and provides considerations for selecting the type of systems to install including land use, the type of health risk and the contaminant of concern.

View a recorded presentation for more information about active notifications and telemetry systems; Issues & Trends: Vapor Intrusion Updates 2023 ( Information specific to active notification is on slides 12 through 21.

Rule Advisory Committee Meetings Sept. 20, 2024

The NR 700 Rule Advisory Committee (RAC) will meet with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) on Friday, Sept. 20, 2024.

The DNR formed the RAC to advise DNR staff during development of proposed rules. The RAC is comprised of representatives from environmental consulting and law firms, local government groups, industry stakeholders, affected state agencies and environmental advocacy groups. All RAC meetings are open to the public.

Meeting Information
Interested individuals can attend either virtually by Zoom or in-person.

By Zoom:
9 – 11 a.m. – Continuing obligations (RR-14-23)
Register to attend via Zoom

Noon – 2 p.m. Soil standards (RR-15-23)
Register to attend via Zoom

State Natural Resources Building (GEF 2)
Room G-09
101 S. Webster St.
Madison, WI

Please check-in at the security desk before taking the elevator.

In-person attendees must register to enter the meeting location. To register, contact by noon on Sept. 19, 2024.

Visit the DNR’s NR 700 Rule Changes webpage to view meeting agendas, materials and the full Rule Advisory Committee meeting schedule.

About the Rule-making Efforts
On Jan. 24, 2024, the Wisconsin Natural Resources Board granted approval for these rulemaking efforts through the approval of two statements of scope:

  • Scope Statement for Board Order RR-14-23. Proposes developing administrative rules that affect chapters NR 700, 708, 714, 722, 724, 725, 726, 727, and 749 related to definitions, notifications, fees, agreements, reports, and procedures for interim action and remedial action continuing obligations for environmental contamination.
  • Scope Statement for Board Order RR-15-23. Proposes developing administrative rules that affect chapters NR 700, 720, and 722 related to definitions, land use classifications, procedures for identifying environmental standards for soil, and soil cleanup standards used to investigate and remediate environmental contamination.

The statements of scope may be viewed on the DNR’s Administrative Rules webpage.

Subscribe for updates on future Rule Advisory Committee meetings.

DNR Sets Meeting Dates For Remediation And Redevelopment External Advisory Group

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) set dates for the next four quarterly meetings of the Remediation and Redevelopment External Advisory Group (RR EAG). Dates are also scheduled for the RR EAG’s Funding Sustainability, NR 700 and Vapor Intrusion subgroups.

The DNR’s RR Program oversees the investigation and cleanup of environmental contamination and the redevelopment of contaminated properties. The DNR has a business need to receive constructive and practical input from, and provide information to, interested parties on a wide variety of regulatory and policy issues. The RR EAG considers a broad range of technical and policy topics related to investigation and cleanup of contamination and redevelopment of properties.

Quarterly meetings of the RR EAG will be held virtually from 9 a.m. until noon on the following dates:

  • Oct. 11, 2024
  • Jan. 23, 2025
  • April 23, 2025
  • July 16, 2025

Meetings of the RR EAG’s subgroups will allow virtual and in-person attendance on:

  • Sept. 19, 2024
  • Dec. 5, 2024
  • Feb. 11, 2025
  • May 15, 2025

All meetings of the RR EAG and subgroups are open to the public. Visit the DNR’s RR EAG webpage for registration information, meeting agendas and materials.

Subscribe to receive updates on future meetings.