Contaminated sediments

Now Available: Publication RR-115, Guidance: Contaminated Sediments Fact Sheet

Following a public comment period and consideration of the comments received, the publication RR-115, Guidance: Contaminated Sediment Fact Sheet, is now posted and available online.

The document can be found here. Additional documents and guidance from the Remediation and Redevelopment Program may be found using the search tools available on the publications and forms webpage.

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Public Input Opportunity Ends Soon for Publication RR-0115, Guidance: Contaminated Sediment Fact Sheet

The public comment period ends next week on July 1, 2021, for the publication RR-0115, Guidance: Contaminated Sediment Fact Sheet.

The document can be found at the RR Program’s Public Notices & Guidance web page under the “Program Guidance” tab. Comments may be submitted through July 1, 2021, to Carrie Webb at or to

The fact sheet is a brief outline of the typical approaches that are used to navigate through Wisconsin Statutes (Wis. Stat.) ch. 292 and Wisconsin Administrative Code(Wis. Admin. Code) chs. NR 700 to 799 with respect to the investigation and remediation of contaminated sediment.

Public Input Opportunity – Publication RR-0115, Guidance: Contaminated Sediment Fact Sheet

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program is now seeking input on the publication RR-0115, Guidance: Contaminated Sediment Fact Sheet

The fact sheet is a brief outline of the typical approaches that are used to navigate through Wisconsin Statutes (Wis. Stat.) ch. 292 and Wisconsin Administrative Code (Wis. Admin. Code) chs. NR 700 to 799 with respect to the investigation and remediation of contaminated sediment.

The document can be found at the RR Program’s Public Notices & Guidance web page under the “Program Guidance” tab.

Comments may be submitted through July 1, 2021 to Carrie Webb at or to

Contaminated Sediments EAG to Meet Nov. 17 Regarding Financial Assurance

The Remediation and Redevelopment Program will host an online meeting of the Contaminated Sediments External Advisory Group (EAG) on Tuesday, November 17th from 3:00 to 5:00.

This is an opportunity to provide feedback on proposed rules for calculating financial assurance when engineering controls are used to address contaminated sediment left in place.

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Contaminated Sediments External Advisory Group to Meet October 13, 2020

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program will host an online meeting of the Contaminated Sediments External Advisory Group (EAG) on Tuesday, October 13, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.

The meeting will be conducted via Zoom web and video conferencing. Participants may join the session via the preceding link, or by dialing 312-626-6799 and using this meeting ID number: 974 2674 4513.

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Public meeting for input on proposed emergency rule RR-11-17E

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program will host the second of two public meetings to seek input on the development of revisions to Wis. Admin. Code chs. NR 700–799, Environmental Protection – Investigation and Remediation of Environmental Contamination.

The meeting will focus on gathering input regarding proposed emergency rules (board order RR-11-17E). The proposed emergency rules implement statutory financial assurance requirements under 2015 Wis. Act 204 that apply to certain types of sites with contaminated sediment.

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Natural Resources Board Considers Emergency Rule May 27

On May 27, 2020, the department will present proposed emergency rules to the Natural Resources Board (NRB) for adoption. The proposed emergency rules implement statutory financial assurance requirements that apply to certain types of sites with contaminated sediment. When available, the proposed emergency rule board order RR-11-17E will be posted online as part of the NRB’s agenda.

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RR Program Web and IT Updates

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program has created a new web page for contaminated soil and sediment, and recently completed additional webpage updates.

The new contaminated soil and sediment web page contains guidance and instructions on the soil RCL calculator and information about alternative soil assessments, soil and materials management under Wis. Admin. Code ch. NR 718, historic fill exemptions, contaminated sediments, PCBs in soil, smear zone contamination, and biodegradation as a remedial action.

If you already have Resources for Environmental Professionals bookmarked, a link to the new webpage can be found in the “Related Links” section, as well as at the top of that page for a limited time.

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Comprehensive Per- and poly-fluoroaklyl (PFAS) Legislation Proposed

Today, Governor Evers and Secretary Cole accompanied Senators David Hansen (Green Bay) and Mark Miller (Monona) to announce one of the most comprehensive bills in the nation to address contamination by per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). This bill (LRB-2297/2), if passed, will protect public health as well as the air, waters and lands of Wisconsin.

What would the legislation do?

  • This bill requires the Department of Natural Resources to establish and enforce various standards for per- and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).
  • The PFAS group of substances includes several thousand chemicals (4,000+); two of the most well-known are perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS).
  • The bill requires DNR to establish, by rule, the following:
    • acceptable levels and standards,
    • monitoring requirements, and
    • required response actions for any PFAS.
  • Applies to all media:
    • in drinking water, groundwater, surface water, air, solid waste, beds of navigable waters, and soil and sediment, if the department determines that the substance may be harmful to human health or the environment.
  • These rules must cover, at a minimum, PFOA and PFOS, as well as perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (PFHxS), perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA), perfluorobutane sulfonic acid (PFBS), and perfluoroheptanoic acid (PFHpA).
  • In recommending a groundwater enforcement standard for a perfluoroalkyl or polyfluoroalkyl substance, the department of health services may recommend individual standards for each substance, a standard for these substances as a class, or standards for groups of these substances.

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