Meetings, Events & Trainings

2017 National Brownfields Training Conference – Registration Open

Registration is open for the 2017 National Brownfields Training Conference. This year’s event is being held in Pittsburgh, PA and will run from Dec. 5-7, 2017.

This is the premier brownfields and land revitalization event of the year; attendees will enjoy opportunities to participate in training events, observe success stories first hand during mobile workshops, listen to experts regarding best practices for meeting brownfields challenges, and network with thousands of other stakeholders.

Registration and accommodations are now open for the event.

Visit the official Brownfields Conference Website for additional information at

Open House “Q & A” on New Vapor Intrusion Guidance

The Remediation and Redevelopment Program will host a two-hour “Q & A” regarding the agency’s new guidance on vapor intrusion. The open house event will take place on Tuesday, August 29, in Madison, and via teleconference at the same time.

The guidance – RR-800 – is currently available for written public comment through the DNR’s “proposed program guidance” web page; comment on the document will be accepted through September 8, 2017.

Subjects discussed during the “Q & A” session will not take the place of written comments on the document. Rather, the opportunity is meant to help further clarify the material for those who may have questions about the content, with hope of alleviating potential erroneous comments.

Details of the vapor intrusion “Q & A” open house are:

  • Date: Tuesday, August 29
  • Time: 9:00 – 11:00 CST
  • Location: DNR Central Office, Room G-09, 101 S. Webster St., Madison, WI 53707
  • Conference Call Number: 1-855-947-8255, Passcode: 6612745#

Vapor intrusion team leader Alyssa Sellwood and Policy and Technical Resources Section Chief Judy Fassbender will be available to answer questions and clarify issues for participants.

If you plan to attend in person, please notify Alyssa Sellwood by the close of the business day on Monday, August 28, so that building security can be prepared for your arrival.

PECFA: Tracker on the Web Discontinues and Other Important Updates

Tracker on the Web will be Discontinued Labor Day Weekend; Replaced by Password-Protected Website

Tentatively scheduled to take place on September 1, 2017, the Wisconsin DNR’s Remediation and Redevelopment Program will discontinue the online application, Tracker on the Web. The aging technology that currently supports Tracker on the Web will no longer be maintained by the State.

Continue reading “PECFA: Tracker on the Web Discontinues and Other Important Updates”

Brownfields Study Group Meeting September 15

The Brownfields Study Group will meet on September 15 in West Bend. This group was created roughly 20 years ago at the behest of the Legislature to help the DNR develop solutions and strategies to increase the number of contaminated properties that were cleaned up and returned to productive use. The group meets regularly and has members from the private sector, local governments, non-profits and others.

For an agenda and other meeting details, please contact Mick Skwarok, (608) 266-9263.

Issues & Trends Conference Call Scheduled for September 6

Alyssa Sellwood, the Remediation and Redevelopment Program’s vapor intrusion and dry-cleaning team leader, will present our Issues & Trends conference call in September. Alyssa will discuss vapor intrusion sampling, including a discussion of action triggers, mitigation and long-term monitoring.  

Date: Wednesday, September 6
Time: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Phone number: 1-855-947-8255
Passcode: 6612745#

The conference call will be recorded and available for playback via the Program’s training library for those who are unable to participate during the above time.

No pre-registration is required.  


CDFA Brownfields Financing Webinar Hazardous to Healthy: Financing Solutions for Recovering Brownfields

Join CDFA, technical partners, and experienced brownfield communities for a discussion on the financial strategies that restored hazardous properties for healthy reuse on August 31 at 1:00 PM Central Time. This webcast is designed for professionals who work directly with brownfield sites as well as economic development finance professionals and communities interested in shaping programs to enhance redevelopment financing opportunities. Click here to confirm your participation and receive login information. Registration is free and open to all interested stakeholders.

Issues & Trends: A Preview and Discussion of DNR’s Vapor Intrusion Guidance

Alyssa Sellwood, a Hydrogeologist with the Remediation and Redevelopment Program and the leader of the dry cleaning and vapor intrusion teams, will present the next Issues & Trends training event on Wednesday, August 9, at noon. No pre-registration is required.

Sellwood’s presentation will be an overview of forthcoming additions and modifications to the RR Program’s existing guidance on vapor intrusion – RR 800 Addressing Vapor Intrusion at Remediation and Redevelopment Sites in Wisconsin. We originally published the guidance in 2010, but revisions are necessary as knowledge and understanding of vapor intrusion has grown. The guidance is being readied for public comment and includes such updates as commissioning and inspecting vapor mitigation systems, mitigating vapor risk in new construction, and evaluating and addressing potential vapor risk in large commercial and industrial buildings.

The training session details are:

  • Date: August 9, 2017
  • Time: 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
  • Join by phone: 1-855-947-8255, passcode 6612745#
  • Questions in advance can be sent to

National TAB Webinar: The Basics of Site Remediation for Communities

Kansas State University, the New Jersey Institute of Technology and the Center for Creative Land Recycling will present an introductory webinar and remediation technologies. The webinar will take place on August 2, from 2:30-4:00 CDT.

During this webinar, you’ll learn about environmental cleanup technology, including the differences between remediation corridors versus single sites and how to work with the regulators, especially the state. This webinar will give you the tools to make informed decisions about your projects and remind you of special considerations to make while working on brownfield sites.

This webinar is geared for local and regional government officials, not-for-profit economic and community development organizations and anyone interested in learning about brownfield remediation.

The event is free, but registration required. For more information or help with registration contact Erica Rippe.

“When Life Hands You a Landfill” Webinar Recording Now Available

What to do with those pesky landfills? The Center for Creative Land Recycling presents an online recording of its recent webinar “When life hands you a landfill, make it into something better.”

The 60-minute video features experts from the field of brownfields redevelopment and covers a range of issues particular to working on landfill projects.