Now Available: Publication Guidance: Wisconsin Vapor Quick Look-Up Table Indoor Air Vapor Action Levels and Vapor Risk Screening Levels (RR-0136)

The publication Guidance: Wisconsin Vapor Quick Look-Up Table Indoor Air Vapor Action Levels and Vapor Risk Screening Levels (RR-0136) is now updated and available online. There were no changes to the Vapor Action Levels (VALs) or Vapor Risk Screening Levels (VRSLs) for the compounds listed.

The document can be found here. Additional documents and guidance from the Remediation and Redevelopment Program may be found using the search tools available on the publications and forms webpage.

The purpose of the guidance is to list volatile organic compounds frequently encountered at cleanup sites in Wisconsin. Consultants should compare vapor data for open sites to the updated table for potential additional actions. Vapor data for chemicals not listed on RR-0136 should accessed via the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Vapor Intrusion Screening Level (VISL) Calculator; instructions on using VISL are included in RR-0136.

Questions regarding this document may be submitted to Jennifer Borski at

DNR To Hold Remediation And Redevelopment External Advisory Group Subgroup Meetings

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will host Remediation and Redevelopment External Advisory Group (RR EAG) subgroup meetings on Thursday, Sept. 7, 2023.

The RR EAG was formed to address a broad range of issues, encompassing both technical and policy topics related to encouraging the investigation, cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated sites in Wisconsin.

The RR EAG identifies issues and topics of interest that may be addressed by ad hoc subgroups. Subgroup members are expected to research and develop recommendations on the selected topics for presentation to the full group. RR EAG subgroup meetings are open to the public.

State Natural Resources Building (GEF 2)
Rm. G-27
101 S. Webster St.
Madison, WI

Please check-in at the security desk before taking the elevator.

In-person attendees should RSVP to by noon on Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2023.


* A subgroup focused on Vapor Intrusion was proposed during the July RR EAG meeting. The initial RR EAG Vapor Intrusion subgroup meeting will focus on drafting a work plan that may include outcomes such as:

    • Awareness of vapor intrusion risks and reduced exposure to humans
    • Long-term stewardship of vapor mitigation systems
    • Increased identification of high risk vapor intrusion sites
    • Increased coordination with partners/stakeholders at sites with risk of exposure to vapor intrusion

Visit the DNR’s RR EAG webpage for meeting agendas, materials and additional information. Subscribe for updates on future RR EAG meetings.

New Vapor Intrusion-Focused Subgroup For DNR’s Remediation And Redevelopment External Advisory Group

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Remediation and Redevelopment Program External Advisory Group (RR EAG) has added a new subgroup focused on Vapor Intrusion.

The DNR’s RR Program oversees the investigation and cleanup of environmental contamination and the redevelopment of contaminated properties. The RR EAG and its subgroups (Vapor Intrusion, Environmental Justice, NR 700, Funding Sustainability, Contaminated Sediments) were formed to address a broad range of issues, encompassing both technical and policy topics related to encouraging the investigation, cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated sites in Wisconsin.

A subgroup focused on Vapor Intrusion was proposed during the July RR EAG meeting.

The first meeting of the RR EAG Vapor Intrusion subgroup will be Thursday, Sept. 7, 2023.

The initial RR EAG Vapor Intrusion subgroup meeting will focus on drafting a work plan that may include outcomes such as:

  • Awareness of vapor intrusion risks and reduced exposure to humans
  • Long-term stewardship of vapor mitigation systems
  • Increased identification of high-risk vapor intrusion sites
  • Increased coordination with partners/stakeholders at sites with risk of exposure to vapor intrusion

Thursday, Sept. 7, 2023
2-3:30 p.m.

State Natural Resources Bldg. (GEF 2)
Rm. G-27
101 S. Webster St.
Madison, WI

In-person attendees should RSVP to by noon on Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2023.
Join us via Zoom – Zoom attendance registration.

All meetings are open to the public and we encourage you to share this invite with those who you think may be interested. Visit the DNR’s RR EAG webpage for meeting agendas, materials and additional information. Subscribe for updates on future RR EAG meetings.

Now Available: Guidance on Addressing Contaminated Sediment Sites in Wisconsin (RR-0124)

Following a public comment period, the publication Guidance on Addressing Contaminated Sediment Sites in Wisconsin (RR-0124) is now posted and available online.

The document can be found here. Additional documents and guidance from the Remediation and Redevelopment Program may be found using the search tools available on the publications and forms webpage.

The purpose of this guidance is to outline approaches for investigating and remediating hazardous substances discharges that impact sediment to comply with the requirements in Wisconsin Statutes (Wis. Stat.) ch. 292 and the applicable provisions of Wisconsin Administrative (Wis. Admin.) Code chs. NR 700-799. This guidance explains the steps recommended for assessment of contaminated sediment, evaluation of remedial options and the selection, design, implementation and monitoring of remedial actions. This guidance will clarify closure requirements at sites with contaminated sediments, including continuing obligations, long term stewardship and financial assurance.

Questions regarding this document may be submitted to Carrie Webb at

Now Available: Publication Brownfields Redevelopment in Wisconsin (RR-933)

Following a public comment period, the publication Brownfields Redevelopment in Wisconsin (RR-933) is now posted and available online.

The document can be found here. Additional documents and guidance from the Remediation and Redevelopment Program may be found using the search tools available on the publications and forms webpage.

The purpose of the guidance is to provide a definition of brownfield and provide essential steps and resources for successful redevelopment of brownfield properties.

Questions regarding this document may be submitted to Michael Prager at

Now Available: Publication Local Government Environmental Liability Exemptions and Responsibilities in Wisconsin (RR-055)

Following a public comment period, the publication Local Government Environmental Liability Exemptions and Responsibilities in Wisconsin (RR-055) is now posted and available online.
The document can be found here. Additional documents and guidance from the Remediation and Redevelopment Program may be found using the search tools available on the publications and forms webpage.

The purpose of this guidance is to provide basic information about Wisconsin’s local government unit environmental liability exemption (LGU exemption). The method of property acquisition used by an LGU determines if the exemption is acquired. DNR brownfields staff can help LGUs understand the exemption before taking title to a contaminated property and provide liability clarification letters.

Questions regarding this document may be submitted to Michael Prager at

Hourly Fee Increase For VPLE Program

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) increased the hourly fee for the review of technical documents submitted through the Voluntary Party Liability Exemption (VPLE) program. Wis. Admin. Code § NR 750.07(2) requires the DNR to calculate the hourly billing rate each year.

The new hourly rate is $115, an increase from the previous rate of $110 per hour. The new fee took effect on July 1, 2023.

Many developers, lenders and prospective purchasers of brownfields choose to enroll in the VPLE program versus a traditional cleanup path since the program provides certain liability assurances helpful to investors and future property owners. Additional information regarding the VPLE program is available on the VPLE program webpage.


RR Program Seeks Two Hydrogeologists

*Correction: deadline to apply was incorrectly written as June 12, 2023. Updated to the correct date of July 12, 2023. 

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program is recruiting two hydrogeologists. These positions will be filled at the Entry or Senior level depending on applicant qualifications.

Both positions will be located in the DNR’s Milwaukee, WI office The deadline to apply is July 12, 2023*.

Hydrogeologist – Entry

  • This is a technical position in which the incumbent must have solid knowledge of geology and hydrogeology, well hydraulics, chemistry, soil science, environmental cleanups, and biological processes in subsurface soil and groundwater environments. Job duties include gathering data on potentially contaminated sites, analyzing and interpreting site data, applying State regulations and standards to cleanup efforts, and processing the submittals of documentation completed for all stages of a project. This position is supervised by the Southeast Region RR Team Supervisor for work assignments.
  •  Full position description.

Hydrogeologist – Senior

  • This is a technical position in which the incumbent must have a detailed knowledge of geology, hydrogeology, contaminate transport, chemistry, vapor intrusion, soil science, remedial system design, and biological processes in subsurface soil and groundwater environments. Specifically, this involves providing technical advice to responsible parties, their consultants, local government units and officials and other staff in the region for actions taken to address soil and groundwater contamination at Leaking Underground Storage Tank, Environmental Repair Program, Brownfield Redevelopment, Spill, Abandoned Landfill, Dry Cleaner Program and hazardous waste remediation sites throughout the region. This position is supervised by the Southeast Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Team Supervisor for work assignments This position will evaluate and approve work on complex sites, often having program-wide policy impacts.
  • Full position description.

Additional information, including necessary qualifications, is available online at the website (Job ID number 10914).

DNR To Hold Remediation And Redevelopment External Advisory Group Meeting

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will host its quarterly Remediation and Redevelopment External Advisory Group (RR EAG) meeting from 9 a.m. to noon on Thursday, July 13, 2023.

The DNR’s RR Program oversees the investigation and cleanup of environmental contamination and the redevelopment of contaminated properties. The DNR has a business need to receive constructive and practical input from, and provide information to, interested parties on a wide variety of regulatory and policy issues.

The RR EAG was formed to address a broad range of issues encompassing both technical and policy topics related to encouraging the investigation, cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated sites.

The RR EAG meetings are open to the public. In-person attendees should RSVP to by noon on Wednesday, July 12, 2023.

In-person attendance appreciated, if you feel comfortable, to encourage a more productive discussion.

What: Remediation and Redevelopment External Advisory Group Meeting
When: 9 a.m. – noon on Thursday, July 13, 2023
Where: DNR La Crosse Service Center
Room B-19
3550 Mormon Coulee Rd
La Crosse, WI 54601

Register to join the meeting via Zoom.

Visit the DNR’s RR EAG webpage for meeting agendas, materials and additional information. Subscribe for updates on future meetings.

Updates To Remediation And Redevelopment Program Guidance And Publications Search Tool

The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Remediation And Redevelopment (RR) Program Guidance And Publication Search Tool is currently undergoing maintenance that will result in a new look and web address,

Starting June 30, 2023, the former web address will no longer be accessible and will result in a ‘page not found’ error. During the transition, both links will be active. Please update your bookmarks as soon as possible.

The update to the search tool includes a visual interface featuring publications, templates and forms as searchable collections. Multiple documents can be selected and downloaded at once and documents can be viewed in the web browser. Traditional search tools (i.e., general search and by subject/keyword) are available in the upper left-hand corner of each collection.

Links to other RR Program webpages, publications and documents should be unaffected. Contact if you experience any issues.