Public Input Opportunity – Publication RR-082, Guidance: NR 700 Semi-Annual Site Progress Report, Wis. Admin Code § NR 700.11(1)(a)

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program is now seeking input on the publication RR-082, Guidance: NR 700 Semi-Annual Site Progress Report, Wis. Admin Code § NR 700.11(1)(a).

The purpose of the guidance is to provide information regarding semi-annual progress reports, which are required of responsible parties for open remediation sites.

The document can be found at the RR Program’s Public Notices & Guidance web page under the “Program Guidance” tab.

Comments may be submitted through February 17, 2021 to Tim Zeichert at or

U.S. EPA’s Brownfields 2021 Conference Issues “Call for Ideas”

Organizers of Brownfields 2021, the National Brownfields Training Conference, are requesting your ideas and suggestions for the upcoming event to be held September 27-30, 2021, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

The National Brownfields Training Conference is attended by stakeholders focused on environmental revitalization and economic redevelopment.

The deadline to submit topic and speaker ideas is March 8, 2021.

Continue reading “U.S. EPA’s Brownfields 2021 Conference Issues “Call for Ideas””

Monthly PECFA Financial Summaries: October – December, 2020

The Remediation and Redevelopment Program provides updates on the status of the Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Award (PECFA) program claims and the overall PECFA budget.

Please note that the PECFA program ended on June 30, 2020. The “sunset date” is found in Wis. Stat. § 292.63(3)(ac).

The DNR does not have statutory authority to unilaterally change or amend a deadline found in statute as that authority is exclusive to the state legislature.

The monthly financial summaries are as follows:

Month Claims Number  Value
Oct. Claims Paid 19 $337,084
Claims in Audit Line (as of 10/31/20) 1 $10,080
Total Paid FY21 $4,107,040
Nov. Claims Paid 0 $0
Claims in Audit Line (as of 11/30/20) 1 $10,080
Total Paid FY21 $4,107,040
Dec. Claims Paid 5 $4,903
Claims in Audit Line (as of 12/31/20) 1 $10,080
Total Paid FY21 $4,111,943





NR 700 Reporting Due January 30

Semi-annual reporting for the period of July 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020 is due by January 30, 2021. Semi-annual reporting is required of responsible parties (RPs) for all open sites, including those sites the DNR formerly classified as “conditionally closed” in the BRRTS online database. Consultants may submit these reports on behalf of RPs.

Continue reading “NR 700 Reporting Due January 30”

Upcoming EPA Webinar Opportunity: Supporting Redevelopment and Addressing the Superfund Liability Concerns of Local Governments

On January 22, 2021, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will host an online webinar addressing brownfields redevelopment and concerns that local governments may have over Superfund liability.

Continue reading “Upcoming EPA Webinar Opportunity: Supporting Redevelopment and Addressing the Superfund Liability Concerns of Local Governments”

Reminder to Respond: RR Sites Map Survey Ending Soon

Time is running out on the opportunity to complete a brief survey to help guide future refinements of the Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program’s RR Sites Map (RRSM).

RR Sites Map is the visual component and counterpart to the Bureau for Remediation and Redevelopment Tracking System (BRRTS) on the Web (BOTW).

The RR Program seeks to gain a better understanding of how customers use the application’s existing tools and features, while also gathering suggestions for improvements.

The survey results will help guide future developments of RR Sites Map, ultimately making RRSM a more useful tool.

Staff will accept survey results through the middle of January 2021.

Issues & Trends Webinar Dec. 16 – Vapor Intrusion: Screening and Mitigation Decisions, Scope and Timing

The Remediation and Redevelopment Program reminds you that it will present the next Issues & Trends webinar on Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2020, from noon to 1:00 p.m.

The scheduled presentation is Vapor Intrusion: Screening and Mitigation Decisions, Scope and Timing. Speakers will present information from investigations in Wisconsin and elsewhere related to the variability of vapor concentrations, and the factors which control variability.

To sign up for the webinar, visit the RR Program’s Conferences and Training webpage.

Recordings of previous Issues & Trends webinars, including the July 2020 presentation: Vapor Intrusion – New Preferential Pathways, may be found in the RR Program’s Training Library.

Vapor Mitigation System Inspection Log Available

In October 2020, the Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program created a Vapor Mitigation System Inspection Log, Form 4400-321. The new form explains the functionality of the vapor mitigation system components and allows installers to include site-specific photos of the system components (e.g., drop points, fans). The form is also designed to assist property owners as they take over responsibility for system inspections after case closure, helping to ensure the long-term care and maintenance of the system.

Continue reading “Vapor Mitigation System Inspection Log Available”

Public Input Webpage Now Live for Proposed Guidance

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program updated its Public Notices & Proposed Guidance web page, where customers can find public notices and public comment opportunities related to the RR Program.

The updated page now includes a new “tab” for Proposed Guidance where customers can find opportunities to provide input on RR Program guidance documents that are under development or revision.

Continue reading “Public Input Webpage Now Live for Proposed Guidance”