Employment Opportunity

Remediation And Redevelopment Program Seeks Regional Spill Coordinators

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program is recruiting two Regional Spill Coordinators.

The positions will be located in the DNR’s West Central and Northern Regions. The deadline to apply is March 31, 2025.

The successful candidates will coordinate the DNR’s response to spills of hazardous substances, conduct on-site inspections and provide oversight of investigations and cleanup of spill incidents. Regional Spill Coordinators work closely with DNR personnel across the agency, emergency responders and contractors to act quickly to protect public health and safety from risks associated with the spill.

A full position description, including necessary qualifications, is available online at the Wisc.jobs website (Job ID Number 17225).

DNR Requests Proposals For Two Brownfield Projects

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) has posted requests for proposals (RFPs) on two brownfield planning projects. The projects are funded by a FY23 Small Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Cuba City Brownfield Site Reuse Concept Planning
The DNR is seeking proposals from qualified firms interested in providing consulting services to assist with the community engagement and visioning process for a large, soon-to-be vacant senior care and rehabilitation facility located in Cuba City, Wisconsin. The senior care facility is a 9-acre site with asbestos-containing materials and other potential environmental conditions.

Port Edwards Brownfield Site Reuse Concept Planning
The DNR is seeking proposals from qualified firms interested in providing consulting services to assist with brownfield redevelopment planning at a former paper mill in the village of Port Edwards, Wisconsin. This planning project is focused on an approximately 46-acre portion of the 180-acre former paper mill.

Proposals are due Nov. 20, 2023. The RFPs are available on the RR Program Public Notices webpage.

DNR Seeks Geographic Information System (GIS) Analyst/Specialist

The Department of Natural Resources is recruiting a Geographic Information System (GIS) Analyst/Specialist that will be dedicated to supporting the needs of the Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program.

This position will be located in the DNR’s Madison, Wisconsin office. The deadline to apply is Oct. 11, 2023.

This position supports the planning, implementing, upgrading, and development of the RR Program’s Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping applications and geospatial data needs. The primary responsibilities of this position include managing and maintaining the RR Program’s web-based mapping applications (including the RR Sites Map) and all requisite map/feature services; performing advanced technical data and database design; analyzing data requirements; performing spatial data analyses; and assisting with necessary quality assurance and quality control processes to support the RR Program’s IT operations and business needs. The position may be filled at either the IS Systems Development Services Senior/Analyst or Specialist levels.

Additional details, including necessary qualifications, are available online at the Wisc.jobs website (Job ID number 11995).

Request For Qualifications: Remedial Design Of TSCA Sediment In The Milwaukee Estuary Area Of Concern

The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is accepting Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) to identify an environmental consultant to complete the remedial design for sediment having polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) greater than 50 parts per million (ppm) (TSCA sediment) in the Milwaukee Estuary Area of Concern (MKE AOC).

Current Request for Qualifications (RFQs) are available on the Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program Public Notices webpage.

RR Program Seeks Remediation and Redevelopment Regional Program Supervisor

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program is recruiting a Remediation and Redevelopment Regional Program Supervisor.

This position will be located in the DNR’s Eau Claire office. The deadline to apply is Sept. 5, 2023.

This position is responsible for the supervision and implementation of the RR Program in the West Central Region. This position works within the Environmental Management Division in the Department of Natural Resources (DNR). This position is responsible for developing, directing, coaching, mentoring and supervising permanent and LTE staff, serves on the RR Program management team and is responsible for directing all aspects of the RR Program within the West Central Region.

A full position description, including necessary qualifications, is available online at the Wisc.jobs website (Job ID number 11466).

RR Program Seeks Two Hydrogeologists

*Correction: deadline to apply was incorrectly written as June 12, 2023. Updated to the correct date of July 12, 2023. 

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program is recruiting two hydrogeologists. These positions will be filled at the Entry or Senior level depending on applicant qualifications.

Both positions will be located in the DNR’s Milwaukee, WI office The deadline to apply is July 12, 2023*.

Hydrogeologist – Entry

  • This is a technical position in which the incumbent must have solid knowledge of geology and hydrogeology, well hydraulics, chemistry, soil science, environmental cleanups, and biological processes in subsurface soil and groundwater environments. Job duties include gathering data on potentially contaminated sites, analyzing and interpreting site data, applying State regulations and standards to cleanup efforts, and processing the submittals of documentation completed for all stages of a project. This position is supervised by the Southeast Region RR Team Supervisor for work assignments.
  •  Full position description.

Hydrogeologist – Senior

  • This is a technical position in which the incumbent must have a detailed knowledge of geology, hydrogeology, contaminate transport, chemistry, vapor intrusion, soil science, remedial system design, and biological processes in subsurface soil and groundwater environments. Specifically, this involves providing technical advice to responsible parties, their consultants, local government units and officials and other staff in the region for actions taken to address soil and groundwater contamination at Leaking Underground Storage Tank, Environmental Repair Program, Brownfield Redevelopment, Spill, Abandoned Landfill, Dry Cleaner Program and hazardous waste remediation sites throughout the region. This position is supervised by the Southeast Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Team Supervisor for work assignments This position will evaluate and approve work on complex sites, often having program-wide policy impacts.
  • Full position description.

Additional information, including necessary qualifications, is available online at the Wisc.jobs website (Job ID number 10914).

RR Program Seeks Seven Dual LTE Positions

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program is recruiting for seven Dual Limited Term Employee (Dual LTE) positions:

  • Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) and Petroleum Inspection Fund (PIF) Environmental Program Associate located at Fitchburg Service Center in Fitchburg, Wisconsin (1 position, Job ID number 10020)
  • Superfund Environmental Program Associate and Hydrogeologist based in any Wisconsin DNR office depending upon candidate preference and space availability (3 positions, Job ID number 10022)
  • Department of Transportation (DOT) and LUST Hydrogeologist based in any Wisconsin DNR office depending upon candidate preference and space availability (3 positions, Job ID number 10031)

Each dual LTE appointment is comprised of two 20-hour positions for an expected work schedule of 40 hours per week. The intention is to hire one candidate for each dual position. The deadline to apply for the Dual LTE positions is May 8, 2023.

Dual LTE– LUST and PIF Environmental Program Associate:

  • This position will assist in technical case management by maintaining regular communication with regional hydrogeologists, supervisors and central office coordinators to ensure that applicable case files are identified, evaluated, scanned and uploaded in proper format. The position will also assist regional staff fulfilling public records requests, conducting QA/QC of database information, and providing technical assistance to the public and regulated community.

Dual LTE – Superfund Environment Program Associate and Hydrogeologist:

  • This position will be responsible for reviewing Superfund site files to identify key Superfund documents including Institutional Control (IC) documents, updating IC documentation, and conducting IC audits for Superfund sites. The position will maintain regular communication with the Superfund site project managers, and the IC Grant team that will be coordinating and directing the work. This position will also complete file review and digitization of permanent site file records and assist in updating database information for Superfund sites.

Dual LTE – DOT and LUST Hydrogeologist:

  • The DOT hydrogeologist position is the DNR lead on contaminated sites identified during Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) road construction projects. The responsibilities of this position include maintenance of WisDOT case files and case review to determine status and prepare recommendations. This position will maintain communication with WisDOT staff on a regular basis to ensure that mutually agreed upon priorities are met.
  • The LUST hydrogeologist position will provide programmatic support in the RR program. The responsibilities of this position include evaluating LUST cases for potential risks to receptors and additional actions required to address risk and/or bring cases to closure. This position will maintain regular communication with regional staff and the LUST program coordinator.

Full position descriptions are available online at the Wisc.jobs website (search the Job ID numbers noted above).

RR Program Seeks Contracts and Procurement Coordinator

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program is recruiting a Contracts and Procurement Coordinator.

This position will be stationed out of a DNR Central Office building in Madison. Telework may be available for up to 60% of the work week. The deadline to apply is Jan. 6, 2023.

The Contracts and Procurement Coordinator professional position has primary responsibility for contracting and procurement for all Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program projects supported by the Environmental Repair Fund (including emergency response), as well as many contracts funded by federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Defense (DOD) grants. The Contracts and Procurement Coordinator primary responsibilities include procurement, solicitation and bidding support and coordination, contract management including invoice processing, requisition entry, work planning, performance monitoring, and reporting. The RR Program receives almost $5 million each biennium for Environmental Repair Fund projects. Additionally, the Program manages approximately $500,000 in contractual costs annually across numerous Federal EPA grants. The Contracts and Procurement Coordinator works closely with the State and Federal Programs (SFP) Section Chief and Grant and Budget Manager to ensure efficient and effective use of state and federal funds.

A full position description, including necessary qualifications, is available online at the Wisc.jobs website (Job ID number 7941).

This is a re-announcement. The original job announcement dates were from 10/12/2022 to 10/22/2022. Applicants that applied at that time do not need to re-apply.

RR Program Seeks Vapor Intrusion Expert

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program is recruiting a Vapor Intrusion Expert.

This position will be stationed out of a DNR office within the state based on applicant preference and space availability. Telework may be available for up to 60% of the work week. The deadline to apply is Dec. 21, 2022.

This is a project position that will be expected to end on July 31, 2026. Project positions are eligible for benefits including health insurance, but the incumbent does not attain permanent civil service status.

This project position provides geologic and hydrogeologic expertise and oversight for inventory, assessment and remediation of dry cleaner and vapor contamination sites, focusing on vapor intrusion risk assessment and reduction of volatile compound contamination statewide. The position serves as a Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program technical resource coordinating the work of a multi-disciplinary team involved in hydrogeology program related activities specific to vapor intrusion mitigation and remedial action, in addition to performing hydrogeologist duties identified at the advanced level of the hydrogeologist classification. The position will provide direction for agency staff and external parties on assessment of vapor intrusion, evaluation of mitigation plans, approval, notification and tracking methods, and long-term stewardship for locations with mitigation systems installed or other protective measures in place. The position requires knowledge of mechanical systems (HVAC) and project management principles to provide services relating to the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of vapor intrusion systems. The person in this position will be responsible for providing site-specific, engineering evaluations and project reviews for remediation sites with vapor intrusion concerns, including evaluating, troubleshooting, and optimizing support for vapor mitigation systems. In addition, this position will provide expertise to the RR Program related to vapor intrusion in the areas of building mechanical systems design, construction, remodeling, and maintenance.

A full position description, including necessary qualifications, is available online at the Wisc.jobs website (Job ID number 7424).

RR Program Seeks Environmental Civil Engineer

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program is recruiting an Environmental Civil Engineer.

This position can be located in the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Madison, Rhinelander, Antigo, Green Bay, Baldwin or Milwaukee office. Other DNR locations may be possible based on space availability and managerial approval. The deadline to apply is Dec. 21, 2022.

This advanced technical position requires application of specific knowledge of engineering and project management principles to provide services relating to the design, construction, operation, and maintenance of remediation systems, coordination of contaminated soil management and management of environmental systems associated with methane, air deposition, utility gas migration, and remedial excavations throughout Wisconsin. The Remediation Engineer will be responsible for providing site-specific, engineering evaluations and project reviews for remediation sites, as well as aiding regional staff, local government units, lenders, owners, and potential purchasers of brownfield properties for regulatory compliance with applicable federal and state laws. The work will include troubleshooting and evaluation services, as well as optimization support for remediation systems, methane migration, and the evaluation of air deposition of contaminants. Among other duties, the Remediation Engineer will provide engineering expertise to the RR Program in the areas of historic fill exemptions, geotechnical borings, and remedial excavations.

A full position description, including necessary qualifications, is available online at the Wisc.jobs website (Job ID number 6481).