Now Available: Publication Wisconsin Vapor Quick Look-Up Table Indoor Air Vapor Action Levels And Vapor Risk Screening Levels (RR-0136)

The publication Guidance: Wisconsin Vapor Quick Look-Up Table Indoor Air Vapor Action Levels and Vapor Risk Screening Levels (RR-0136) is now updated and available on the DNR website. There were no changes to the Vapor Action Levels (VALs) or Vapor Risk Screening Levels (VRSLs) for the compounds listed. 

Additional documents and guidance from the Remediation and Redevelopment Program may be found using the search tools available on the publications and forms webpage. 

The purpose of the guidance is to list volatile organic compounds frequently encountered at cleanup sites in Wisconsin. Consultants should compare vapor data for open sites to the updated table for potential additional actions. Vapor data for chemicals not listed on RR-0136 should accessed via the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Vapor Intrusion Screening Level (VISL) Calculator; instructions on using VISL are included in RR-0136.   

Questions regarding this document may be submitted to Jennifer Borski at

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