New Online Form To Report Hazardous Substance Discharges

An online form is now available from the Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program to report the discovery of hazardous substances identified through sampling. The Notification for Hazardous Substance Discharge Form – Non-emergency Only (4400-225) is now a web-based form found on the RR Program Submittal Portal.

Form 4400-225 should be used to report the discovery of a discharge that is identified through laboratory analysis of soil, water, sediment, vapor or indoor air. Hazardous substance discharges must be reported immediately according to Wis. Stat. § 292.11.

The online form includes:

  • Address auto-complete;
  • The ability to save a partially completed form to submit it later; and
  • An interactive map to obtain the coordinates for the location of the discharge.

Directions for using the RR Submittal Portal, including the new form, are available on the RR Submittal Portal webpage.

The Submittal Portal is available for consultants, responsible parties and others to submit forms, reports and documents related to Wis. Admin. Code chs. NR 700 -799 activities to the RR Program.

The former PDF version of the Notification for Hazardous Substance Discharge form (4400-225) will be archived and no longer available.

More information on reporting discharges is available on the How to Report a Spill webpage.

Contact Sonya Rowe,, DNR Information Technology Project Coordinator, if you have questions about the new form.

Direct all site-specific questions to the RR Program project manager or regional environmental program associate (EPA). To find the appropriate contact, visit the RR Program webpage.


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