RR Program’s Contaminated Sites Database Viewer Updated

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) program has updated the public interface of its online database of open and closed cleanup sites with new functions and a style that matches the DNR’s redesigned website.

BRRTS On The Web (BOTW) is our searchable, public database that allows users to find information about the investigation and cleanup of environmental contamination in Wisconsin.

In addition to the modern look, the initial search page, which was previously divided into separate tabs for both basic and advanced features, was consolidated into one page, allowing users to see all features in one glance. There are also new features for common search functions, allowing customers to narrow searches by selecting from a dropdown menu of fields.

Other new features include:

  • Mouseover definitions of search criteria.
  • Glossary link for additional information.
  • Searching by DNR project manager.
  • Searching by related activities.
  • The ability to sort search results.

These features and other improvements, including a discussion of recent survey results and updates to the RR Sites Map feature, were presented during the March 16 Issues & Trends webinar. A recording of that presentation is available in the training library.

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