Vapor Mitigation System Inspection Log Available

In October 2020, the Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program created a Vapor Mitigation System Inspection Log, Form 4400-321. The new form explains the functionality of the vapor mitigation system components and allows installers to include site-specific photos of the system components (e.g., drop points, fans). The form is also designed to assist property owners as they take over responsibility for system inspections after case closure, helping to ensure the long-term care and maintenance of the system.

An inspection log is required to be maintained under Wis. Admin. Code § NR 726.11(2)(d) where notification is required under Wis. Admin. Code § NR 725.01 prior to case closure or prior to approval of a remedial action plan that includes a continuing obligation.

The DNR has authority to require a vapor mitigation system be maintained to remain protective of public health, safety, and welfare and the environment as a condition of approving an interim action, remedial action or case closure under Wis. Stats. § 292.12.

The form can be found in multiple locations on the RR website:

The new Form 4400-321 is specific to vapor mitigation systems; all other inspections should continue to utilize Form 4400-305, Continuing Obligations Inspection and Maintenance Log.

Site-specific questions should be addressed to the assigned DNR Project Manager. General questions on vapor intrusion can be directed to the staff listed under the “contacts” tab on the Vapor Intrusion Resources for Environmental Professionals web page.

The DNR recommends using Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 10 or higher) to use the form. Please note that fillable PDF forms are only supported on desktop versions of Internet Explorer. These forms will not work with mobile devices.

To complete and save all PDF forms provided on the DNR’s website, please be sure your device is running Adobe Reader (version 8 or higher).

Additional information is on the DNR’s Portable Document Format web page.


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