PECFA Usual & Customary Schedule #27 Now Available Online

The Remediation and Redevelopment Program has released the Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Award (PECFA) Usual and Customary (U&C) U&C standardized invoice #27 for the time period January 2020 through June 2020.

The following was updated for the U&C #27:

  • Task 37 – Limit of 5 vapor points has been removed
  • Task 37, Subtask VIS05 – This subtask should be used for reimbursement of initial installation and sampling of vapor points only.
  • Task 37, Subtask VIS06 – This new subtask has been added to separate out costs associated for equipment needed to install vapor points. Subtask is reimbursed per day.
  • Task 37, Subtask VIS10 – This subtask for mobilization can be used for the initial installation and sampling of vapor points, as well as subsequent sampling events. This subtask is reimbursed once per event.
  • Task 37, Subtask VIS15 – This new subtask has been added for subsequent vapor sampling events (after initial installation and sampling).

This invoice is effective January 1, 2020.

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