RR Program Seeks Hydrogeologists in Milwaukee, Waukesha and Fitchburg Offices

The Department of Natural Resources is hiring three Hydrogeologists – entry level or senior – to grow the Remediation and Redevelopment Program staff in the Fitchburg, Waukesha and Milwaukee offices.

The application deadline to apply for these positions is January 1, 2020.

Position descriptions for either the entry level position or senior position are available.

Job duties for these positions include gathering data on potentially contaminated sites, analyzing and interpreting site data, applying State regulations and standards to cleanup efforts and processing the submittals of documentation completed for all stages of a project.

These positions will also provide technical advice to responsible parties, their consultants, local government units and officials and other staff in the region for actions taken to address soil and groundwater contamination at Leaking Underground Storage Tank, Environmental Repair Program, Brownfield Redevelopment, Spill, Abandoned Landfill, Dry Cleaner Program and hazardous waste remediation sites throughout the region.

We encourage you to review the full position description and application materials.

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