Apply Now for 2020 EPA Brownfield Grants

Applications for FY 2020 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) brownfield grants are now being accepted. EPA’s request for proposals and application guidance are available here:

Applications are due by Dec. 3, 2019.

EPA grants can be obtained by local governments, tribes, and nonprofit organizations to address properties with known or suspected contamination. These grants can be used for environmental assessment work, cleanups, and revolving loan programs.

  • Assessment Grants: Community-wide and site-specific proposals can receive funding up to $300,000. Coalition proposals can be funded up to $600,000. EPA expects to award 100 Assessment grants.
  • Cleanup Grants: Individual proposals can be funded up to $500,000. EPA expects to award $9 million to 18 cleanup grant recipients.
  • Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) Grants: This grant provides funding to create and/or fund a revolving loan program that can support local environmental cleanup activities. EPA expects to award 8 RLF grants of $1 million each.

Useful information about the grants including summaries of the changes from previous grant rounds can be found here.

Two upcoming webinars will help you navigate the grant application process:

  • EPA will host a webinar regarding its grant program guidelines on Oct. 24, at 3 p.m. CST.  You can join the webinar at and/or via conference call (dial-in number: 1-866-299-3188, access code: 202-566-1817).
  • The Technical Assistance for Brownfields (TAB) program at Kansas State University will host a webinar on Wednesday, October 30, at 1:00 p.m. CST. Register here for the webinar, which will also include an overview of “TAB EZ,” a free, online tool to streamline your application.

EPA requires brownfields grant applicants (other than tribal environmental authorities) to obtain a letter from the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) that acknowledges DNR is aware of the applicant’s grant application. To request your DNR letter of acknowledgment, contact Gena Larson, 608-261-5404, or Information regarding a DNR letter of acknowledgment can be found on this DNR web page (in the “DNR acknowledgment letter” tab).

Please submit your request for an acknowledgment letter to DNR by Nov. 19, to allow adequate time for staff to draft and deliver your letter before EPA’s Dec. 3 application deadline.

EPA also requires petroleum eligibility letters from DNR if you apply for a site-specific grant at a property with petroleum contamination. Information about obtaining an eligibility letters is available at

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