PECFA U&C Cost Schedule #25 Updates; Off-Site and Right-of-Way Notifications

The Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Award (PECFA) program’s Usual and Customary Cost Schedule Task Reference Guide #25 (RR-107) has been updated to reflect a clarification on impacted property notifications.

All impacted off-site notifications, including right-of-way (ROW) notifications, should be claimed under Task 5, CR20. Previously, claimants or agents were instructed to claim ROW notifications under Task 7 (Regulatory Correspondence).

Please note that only one CR20 per property or ROW may be claimed, regardless of the number of notifications sent for that property or ROW. For example, if a property has four owners requiring the claimant or agent to send four letters, CR20 may still only be claimed once.

Questions about this update may be directed to Jenna Soyer, 608-267-2465.

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