New CR30 Subtask Added to PECFA U&C Schedule #25

The Usual & Customary Cost Standardized Invoice –  RR-107a – and Task Reference Guide #25 – RR-107 – have been updated to include a new subtask under Task 5 – Closure Request.

CR30 – P.E. Review and Certification of Closure Materials – provides up to $1,129.60 for professional engineer time to review site file materials, visit the site, make a recommendation on closure, and certify the closure packet.

The subtask also includes any project manager’s time for a site visit and/or discussion with the professional engineer regarding the site.

Please visit the PECFA Reimbursement tab on the Remediation and Redevelopment program’s website for the updated U&C Standardized Invoice and for complete task specifications as outlined in RR-107.


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