New Features Added to RR Sites Map

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program’s web-based mapping system – RR Sites Map – provides information about contaminated properties and other activities related to the investigation and cleanup of contaminated soil or groundwater in Wisconsin.

RR Sites Map is available for both desktop and mobile devices and has undergone some recent improvements:

Hillshade Layer as Basemap: A raster image derived from LiDAR, portraying a grayscale 3D representation of the surface with the sun’s position taken into account for shading the image.

Elevation (in feet): To determine the elevation of a point, you must first turn on the Hillshade layer and select the “identify” tool. Click on the location you would like to determine the elevation. This calculates the “bare earth” elevation (i.e. not the tops of buildings or trees). The Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is derived from LiDAR, with 2-10 foot resolution, depending on the county (see metadata). This product is not recommended for calculating elevation of rivers and lakes. The DEMs have not been hydrologically conditioned.

Facility-wide Layer: This activity type is the umbrella activity of a subset of activities at a facility that are part of the same negotiated agreement. Generally, these activity types are large sites with continuing operations that have smaller releases over time. There may also be some activities at the same location that should not be part of the Facility-wide Activity Type because they are not covered by the negotiated agreement. Additional information is available here.

Additional Layers to the Catalog: The following layers can now be accessed through the Layer Catalog, under the “Map and Data Tasks” tab: Landfill/Waste Sites, Landfill/Waste Area, Green Tier 1 Participants, and DATCP Environmental Enforcement Contacts. For more information about these layers, visit the RR Sites Map Layer Information page.

RR Sites Map is part of an interlinked system of databases that also includes BRRTS on the Web (BOTW), the Solid and Hazardous Waste database (SHWIMS), and the Petroleum Environmental Cleanup Fund Award (PECFA) database. Together, these databases comprise the Wisconsin Remediation and Redevelopment Database, or WRRD.

Questions about RR Sites Map and these updates may be directed to Dan Schneider, or at (608) 261-5405.

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