PECFA Claim Information Now Available at BOTW

A password-protected website that was meant to be the new home for PECFA claim information after the discontinuation of Tracker on the Web (TOTW), has itself been discontinued.

Earlier this month, the Remediation and Redevelopment Program pulled the plug on “Tracker” because the aging technology that supported TOTW was no longer maintained by the State. The Program planned to provide the same information on a password-protected website.

However, after experiencing difficulties with this website and with formatting the information to be accessible, the RR Program is taking a new approach using the familiar database, BRRTS on the Web (BOTW).

Claims information will now be available on BOTW at the “activity” level. Specifically, the information will be displayed toward the bottom of the Activity Details page, below Actions and Impacts.

If you have any questions or concerns about PECFA or PECFA claims information, please use the following contacts:

  • For information on stalled PECFA sites, contact the appropriate DNR Project Manager.
  • For information on Claims, contact Tim Prosa (608-261-7715).
  • For general information about PECFA, contact Jenna Soyer.

PECFA staff have heard your concerns loud and clear, and they appreciate your patience and understanding on this matter as they work to make claims information as accessible as possible to customers.

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