Vapor intrusion

ITRC Offers Online Training June 1 And 15 Regarding Comprehensive Vapor Intrusion Mitigation

The Interstate Technology Regulatory Council (ITRC) will soon offer a new, online training series based on recent, comprehensive vapor intrusion technical guidance from the national group.

The series, to be held on June 1 and June 15, will cover the purpose and use of the December 2020 comprehensive web-based series of technical resources for Vapor Intrusion Mitigation.

Staff from the Remediation and Redevelopment Program participated in the development of both the technical resources and training.

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Public Input Opportunity Ends Soon for Publication RR-649, Guidance for Documenting the Investigation of Human-made Preferential Pathways Including Utility Corridors

The public comment period ends next week for publication RR-649, Guidance for Documenting the Investigation of Human-made Preferential Pathways Including Utility Corridors.

The document can be found on the RR Program’s Public Notices & Guidance web page under the “Program Guidance” tab. Comments may be submitted through May 3, 2021, to Jim Walden at or

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Issues & Trends Webinar on April 20, 2021: Vapor Intrusion – Acute Risk Associated with TCE

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program reminds you that the next webinar in the Issues & Trends series will take place next week, April 20, 2021, from noon to 1:00 p.m.

The scheduled presentation is: Vapor Intrusion – Acute Risk Associated with TCE.

The presentation is a discussion of the acute risk associated with trichloroethylene (TCE) in vapors. Presenters and guests will provide background on TCE and its prevalence in Wisconsin, along with a discussion of short-term, health-related concerns. Speakers will also explain the need to prioritize vapor investigations when TCE is a contaminant of concern, DNR’s authority under NR 708 and the DNR’s partnerships with DHS and local health departments.

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Public Input Opportunity – Publication RR-649, Guidance for Documenting the Investigation of Human-made Preferential Pathways Including Utility Corridors

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program is now seeking input on publication RR-649, Guidance for Documenting the Investigation of Human-made Preferential Pathways Including Utility Corridors.

The guidance is intended for persons who perform and document investigation and remediation of sites with environmental contamination under Wisconsin Administrative Code (Wis. Admin. Code) chs. NR 700-799, including the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) staff who review such submittals.

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Reminder Letter Sent To Responsible Parties To Prioritize Vapor Intrusion Evaluations At Sites With TCE

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program is sending a reminder letter regarding vapor intrusion to parties responsible for cleanup at open remediation sites in Wisconsin. A copy of the letter will also be sent to the responsible party’s (RP) environmental consultant.

The letter is a reminder to RPs and consultants that the potential for short-term (i.e., acute) health risks associated with trichloroethylene (TCE) in indoor air are serious enough that it should be one of the first things evaluated as part of a site investigation. This is especially true on sites where contamination may impact sensitive populations and should be routinely reassessed throughout a project’s life to ensure protectiveness.

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Reminder: Issues & Trends Webinar on April 20, 2021: Vapor Intrusion – Acute Risk Associated with TCE

The Remediation and Redevelopment Program reminds you that the next webinar in the Issues & Trends series will take place on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.

The scheduled presentation is: Vapor Intrusion – Acute Risk Associated with TCE.

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New Guidance And Training For Investigation And Remediation Of 1,4-Dioxane

Newly updated and comprehensive information related to the investigation and cleanup of 1,4-dioxane is now available from the Interstate Technology Regulatory Council (ITRC).

View the fact sheets and guidance documents on ITRC’s website.

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ITRC’s Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Technical Resources Now Available

A new, comprehensive series of technical resources covering a variety of vapor intrusion mitigation topics is now available from the Interstate Technology Regulatory Council (ITRC). The resources are included on the Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program’s web page of Vapor Intrusion Resources for Environmental Professionals.

ITRC’s technical resources cover a range of topics specific to vapor intrusion mitigation, including:

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Issues & Trends Webinar Dec. 16 – Vapor Intrusion: Screening and Mitigation Decisions, Scope and Timing

The Remediation and Redevelopment Program reminds you that it will present the next Issues & Trends webinar on Wednesday, Dec. 16, 2020, from noon to 1:00 p.m.

The scheduled presentation is Vapor Intrusion: Screening and Mitigation Decisions, Scope and Timing. Speakers will present information from investigations in Wisconsin and elsewhere related to the variability of vapor concentrations, and the factors which control variability.

To sign up for the webinar, visit the RR Program’s Conferences and Training webpage.

Recordings of previous Issues & Trends webinars, including the July 2020 presentation: Vapor Intrusion – New Preferential Pathways, may be found in the RR Program’s Training Library.

Vapor Mitigation System Inspection Log Available

In October 2020, the Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program created a Vapor Mitigation System Inspection Log, Form 4400-321. The new form explains the functionality of the vapor mitigation system components and allows installers to include site-specific photos of the system components (e.g., drop points, fans). The form is also designed to assist property owners as they take over responsibility for system inspections after case closure, helping to ensure the long-term care and maintenance of the system.

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