U.S. EPA’s Updated Soil Lead Guidance For CERCLA Sites And RCRA Corrective Action Facilities

On Jan. 17, 2024, the U.S. EPA updated its residential lead screening levels for soil. The updated guidance is a culmination of a years-long effort to strengthen the investigation and cleanup of lead-contaminated soil to protect children from lead exposure. The updated guidance lowers the recommended lead screening levels for direct contact with soil from 400 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg or parts per million) to 200 mg/kg for residential settings and recommends application of 100 mg/kg if additional sources of lead exposure are present (e.g., lead in drinking water, lead paint, etc.). No changes to industrial lead levels are proposed.

The DNR is reviewing the U.S. EPA’s guidance and consulting with the Wisconsin Department of Health Services to determine how it may apply in Wisconsin. The DNR expects to have more information soon.

The new guidance is intended to apply to the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) sites immediately, and the U.S. EPA is currently working on an implementation plan. If you have specific questions about the application of the guidance to RCRA and CERCLA sites, please reach out to the following DNR contacts:

Issues & Trends Webinar On Jan. 31, 2024: When Should A Site Investigation Enter Surface Water

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program’s next webinar in the Issues & Trends series will take place on Wednesday, Jan. 31, 2024, from noon-1 p.m.

The scheduled presentation is titled When Should a Site Investigation Enter Surface Water and will be followed by time for questions. Site investigation scoping is the first step to developing a site investigation work plan. This webinar will highlight what information to evaluate at sediment sites during site investigation scoping. It will also cover potential pathways for contamination to enter surface water.

A Zoom web conferencing registration link may be found on the RR Program’s Conferences and Training webpage.

Recordings of previous Issues & Trends webinars may be found in the RR Program’s Training Library.

NR 700 Reporting Due Jan. 30, 2024

Semi-annual reporting for the period of July 1, 2023, to Dec. 31, 2023, is due by Jan. 30, 2024. Semi-annual reporting is required of responsible parties for all open sites, including those sites the DNR formerly classified as “conditionally closed” in the Bureau for Remediation and Redevelopment Tracking System (BRRTS) online database. Consultants may submit these reports on behalf of responsible parties.

The DNR sent an email with a unique Report Identification (ID) number to contacts of sites listed in the database during early Dec. 2023. If you do not receive an email by Dec. 30, 2023, you can request a Report ID number by submitting the Report ID Request Form.

The Report ID number uniquely identifies the activity you can report, the reporting period and verifies the person using the Report ID is authorized to submit the report. If you have any questions, please contact Tim Zeichert at Timothy.Zeichert@wisconsin.gov or 608-219-2240.

State law requires semi-annual reports from people who meet the definition of a responsible party in Wisconsin Administrative Code ch. NR 700. Property owners, such as local governments, that have an exemption under Wisconsin Statutes §§ 292.11(9)(e) or 292.23 and lenders that have an exemption under Wisconsin Statute § 292.21 for specific properties are not required to submit a semi-annual report for those exempt properties under state law.

Sites formerly classified by the DNR as “conditionally closed” are open sites that have not been granted case closure and, by definition, have remaining action(s) needed (e.g., properly abandoning monitoring wells or investigative waste needing to be removed).

Semi-annual reporting for sites formerly classified as “conditionally closed” should indicate what actions are being taken to complete the remaining actions.
The next reporting period is from Jan. 1, 2024, to June 30, 2024.

DNR To Hold RR External Advisory Group Meeting

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will host a Remediation and Redevelopment External Advisory Group (RR EAG) meeting on Thursday, Jan. 25, 2024.

The RR EAG was formed to address a broad range of issues, encompassing both technical and policy topics related to encouraging the investigation, cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated sites in Wisconsin.

The RR EAG identifies issues and topics of interest that may be addressed by ad hoc subgroups. Subgroup members are expected to research and develop recommendations on the selected topics for presentation to the full group. RR EAG subgroup meetings are open to the public.


State Natural Resources Building (GEF 2)

Rm G-09

101 S. Webster St., Madison, WI

Check in with the security desk before going to conference room.


1 – 4 p.m.

In-person attendees should RSVP to Jodie.Thistle@wiconsin.gov by noon on Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2024.

Register to attend via Zoom [exit DNR].


Visit the DNR’s RR EAG webpage for meeting agendas, materials and additional information. Subscribe for updates on future RR EAG meetings.

Preliminary Public Hearing On Statements Of Scope

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program will hold a preliminary public hearing on two statements of scope.

The statements of scope are subject to the approval of the Natural Resources Board. If approved, the statements of scope would allow the DNR to begin drafting administrative rule revisions affecting Wisconsin Administrative Code chapters NR 700-799.

  • Scope Statement for Board Order RR-14-23 (Continuing Obligations) – Proposes developing administrative rules that affect chapters NR 700, 708, 714, 722, 724, 725, 726, 727 and 749 related to definitions, notifications, fees, agreements, reports, and procedures for interim action and remedial action continuing obligations for environmental contamination.
  • Scope Statement for Board Order RR-15-23 (Soil Standards) – Proposes developing administrative rules that affect chapters NR 700, 720 and 722 related to definitions, land use classifications, procedures for identifying environmental standards for soil, and soil cleanup standards used to investigate and remediate environmental contamination.

The statements of scope may be viewed on the DNR’s Administrative Rules webpage under the “RR – Remediation and Redevelopment” row.

What: RR Program Preliminary Public Hearing on two Statements of Scope
When: Dec. 21, 2023, at 1 p.m.
Where: Online; To register and attend via Zoom, please view the Notice of Preliminary Hearing on Statement of Scope on the DNR’s Administrative Rules webpage for instructions.

The public has the opportunity to testify at the hearing. Comments on the proposed scope statements must be received on or before Dec. 21, 2023. Email written comments to DNRAdministrativeRulesComments@wisconsin.gov.

RR Program Seeks Policy and Program Operations Director

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program is recruiting a Policy and Program Operations Director. This position may be located in either the DNR’s Madison, Milwaukee or Green Bay offices. The deadline to apply is December 13, 2023.

This position serves as the lead policy and program operations position in assisting the Director of the Remediation and Redevelopment Program. In the absence of the Program Director and in conjunction with the Program’s Field Operations Director, this position represents the Department in external contacts with the Governor’s Office, the legislature, local government leaders, federal agencies such as the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), regional and national remediation and redevelopment-related organizations, and a wide variety of public groups, private businesses, and associations. The Policy and Program Operations Director provides day-to-day supervision of the Program’s section chiefs and Program Support staff throughout the state. This position oversees the implementation of all policy, planning, personnel and database oversight activities associated with the RR program’s policy and program operations activities. This position serves on the Remediation and Redevelopment Management Team and plays a key role in facilitation.

A full position description, including necessary qualifications, is available online at the Wisc.jobs website (Job ID number 12491).

DNR Awards Brownfield Grant To City Of Cuba City

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) today announced the DNR awarded brownfield assessment services to the city of Cuba City to assist with the investigation of potential environmental contamination at the site of a former dry cleaner.

The award is from the DNR’s Wisconsin Assessment Monies program, which provides contractor services for the environmental assessment of eligible brownfield sites.
A brownfield is a property where expansion, redevelopment or reuse is complicated by real or potential contamination. Brownfields vary in size, location, age and past use; they can be anything from a 500-acre former automobile assembly plant to a small, abandoned gas station.

The award will support the assessment of environmental conditions at 204 South Main St., where suspected environmental contamination is related to a former dry cleaning business. The property has been vacant for more than a decade. Suspected contamination has made the property difficult to sell.

A deteriorated building sits on the property and has become a blight in the middle of the downtown businesses district. Cuba City’s plans for the site include purchasing the property, razing the building and revitalizing the property. Razing of the building will erase the eyesore and address safety concerns of having an abandoned building so close to a busy thoroughfare. Cleanup of the site will give a valuable property back to the city to be redeveloped in the future. In addition, the site will no longer detract from Cuba City’s “Parade of Presidents” Main Street display—an important tourism and economic anchor for the city.

“Over the last few decades, Cuba City has dedicated a tremendous amount of time and effort to plan and grow a vibrant and sustainable community,” said Jodie Thistle, DNR Brownfields, Outreach and Policy Section Chief, Remediation and Redevelopment Program. “Cleaning up and re-purposing the former dry cleaner is an excellent next step toward Cuba City’s goals. The DNR applauds the city’s efforts and looks forward to a continued partnership.”

Since 2009, the DNR’s WAM program has provided over $3.3 million in services and grant funds to over 70 communities across Wisconsin, partnering to help clean up and redevelop often run-down or underused properties that detract from a community’s potential. Because there is no local financial match required, the WAM program grants present an attractive opportunity for communities to learn about environmental conditions. Applications for assistance may be submitted to the DNR at any time.

Interested in learning how cleaning up brownfields can help your community? The DNR’s series of on-demand Brownfields Fundamentals webinars cover planning, cleanup, liability, and other topics as part of a well-rounded crash course in Wisconsin brownfield redevelopment.

The DNR has a wide range of financial and liability tools available to help local governments, businesses, lenders, and others clean up and redevelop brownfields in Wisconsin, including Ready for Reuse financial awards, which may be used for environmental cleanup. DNR staff around the state are available to meet with community leaders, bankers, developers and private individuals to discuss brownfield projects through Green Team meetings.

More information about the DNR’s brownfield cleanup programs and services is available on the DNR’s brownfields webpage.

DNR To Hold RR External Advisory Group Subgroup Meetings

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) will host Remediation and Redevelopment External Advisory Group (RR EAG) subgroup meetings on Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2023.

The RR EAG was formed to address a broad range of issues, encompassing both technical and policy topics related to encouraging the investigation, cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated sites in Wisconsin.

The RR EAG identifies issues and topics of interest that may be addressed by ad hoc subgroups. Subgroup members are expected to research and develop recommendations on the selected topics for presentation to the full group. RR EAG subgroup meetings are open to the public.

Milwaukee Water Commons
Adams Garden Park
1836 W. Fond Du Lac Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53205

Check in with the security desk before going to conference room.

In-person attendees should RSVP to Jody.Irland@wisconsin.gov by noon on Monday, Dec. 4, 2023.

A short building tour will be offered at 3:30 p.m., which will highlight the on-site community art and history. Please indicate in your RSVP if you plan on attending the tour.


Visit the DNR’s RR EAG webpage for meeting agendas, materials and additional information. Subscribe for updates on future RR EAG meetings.

Now Available: Guidance: DNR’s Superior Lien Authority and What It Means for Property Owners (RR-507), Guidance: Environmental Liability Exemptions for Lenders and Representatives (RR-508) and Guidance: Post-Closure Modifications (RR-982)

Following a public comment period, the following publications are now posted and available online:

Guidance: DNR’s Superior Lien Authority and What It Means for Property Owners (RR-507)
This guidance is intended for property owners and mortgagees. It defines and explains a superior lien, which is a type of environmental lien that the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) places on properties when the DNR cleans up contamination on a property and is not reimbursed. A superior lien allows the DNR to recover the public funds spent on the cleanup.

Guidance: Environmental Liability Exemptions for Lenders and Representatives (RR-508)
The purpose of this guidance is to provide information to lenders and representatives about environmental liability exemptions available for sites with hazardous substance discharges to the environment.

Guidance: Post-Closure Modifications (RR-982)
The purpose of this guidance is to aid in the preparation and review of post-closure modification (PCM) submittals to the DNR. Information about the types of PCMs, the process, fees and types of responses available from the DNR is provided. This guidance is for use by property owners, responsible parties, environmental consultants and DNR staff. It is based on authority provided under Wisconsin Statutes (Wis. Stat.) § 292.12(6) and Wisconsin Administrative Code (Wis. Admin. Code) ch. NR 727.

Additional documents and guidance from the Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program may be found using the search tools available on the RR Document Search and Resource Portal.

Questions regarding RR-507 and RR-508 may be submitted to Molly Schmidt at MollyE.Schmidt@wisconsin.gov. Questions regarding RR-982 may be submitted to Jodie Thistle at Jodie.Thistle@wisconsin.gov.

Updates To The RR Presentations & Training Library

Brownfields Fundamentals logo which is a photo of an old white building with broken windows transitioning into a sketch drawing of a new apartment complex. The words brownfields fundmentals are at the bottom of the image.The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program provides up-to-date and quality presentations and trainings on a variety of technical and educational topics for environmental professionals, local governments, community organizations, members of the public and others.

The RR Program Presentations & Training Library webpage has added a dedicated section for the Brownfields Fundamentals series. The articles, webinars and panel discussions are designed to provide valuable brownfields cleanup and redevelopment information and resources to local governments and their communities.

RR Program Trainings

  • Brownfields Fundamentals
  • Issues & Trends – Quarterly Zoom webinars providing information on a variety of topics such as DNR and RR Program updates, Wisconsin Administrative rulemaking information, environmental contamination and cleanup and more.
  • Consultants’ Days – Coming to a region near you in 2024! A day-long conference designed for environmental professionals focused on providing presentations, demonstrations, and discussions on environmental cleanup laws, best practices, compliance and guidance. The accordion contains presentations from past conferences.
  • Local Government Days — A day-long conference for local government officials on brownfields redevelopment. This accordion contains presentations from past conferences.

A list of upcoming presentations and trainings is available on the RR Program Presentations & Trainings webpage. If there is a topic you would like addressed in a future webinar, please email Jody.Irland@wisconsin.gov.