PECFA Usual & Customary Schedule #26 Now Available Online

The Usual & Customary (U&C) Cost Standardized Invoice #26 is now available for July 2019 through December 2019 on the Remediation and Redevelopment Program’s PECFA webpage reimbursement tab. U&C #26 rates are effective for work done on or after July 1, 2019. Please note, the U&C Task Reference Guide #26 will be released at a later date.

In this U&C, all rates have been increased by 3% except those that were increased in U&C #25, which included:

  • Primary mob/demob rates – increased 10% in U&C #25
  • WAB32 – increased 3% in U&C #25
  • VIS05 – increased in 3% in U&C #25
  • Labor rates – increased by 3% in U&C #25
  • Consultant per diem – increased by $12.27 in U&C #25
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