Public Input Opportunity On Two Publications – Guidance: Contaminated Soil Quick Reference Table (RR-106) and Guidance: Soil Residual Contaminant Level (RCL) Spreadsheet (RR-0151)

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program is now seeking input on two publications. 

  • Guidance: Contaminated Soil Quick Reference Table (RR-106) 
  • Guidance: Soil Residual Contaminant Level (RCL) Spreadsheet (RR-0151) 

The purpose of the publications is to provide resources for externals to look up soil residual contaminant levels, or RCLs, that are developed using standard equations in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Regional Screening Level (RSL) Calculator. RCLs are commonly used at remediation sites but are not required. The responsible party (RP) has the option to develop and propose a site-specific soil standard. The Contaminated Soil Quick Reference Table contains contaminants commonly encountered at remediation sites. The Soil RCL Spreadsheet “does the math” to make it easier for the RP and their consultant, but using it is optional.  

The DNR updated the publications in response to the U.S. EPA’s May 2024 update to its RSLs. Screening levels for 18 contaminants changed since the last update to the DNR’s publications in 2018. Ten common contaminants were added to the Soil RCL Spreadsheet and it also incorporates a cumulative risk calculator for carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (cPAHs).  

The documents can be found at the RR Program’s Public Notices webpage. Comments may be submitted through Oct. 2, 2024, to Erin Endsley at or 

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