Reminder To Use Updated Case Closure Request Form (4400-202)

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program reminds anyone submitting a case closure request that the most up to date Case Closure Request Form (4400-202) must be used per Wis. Admin. Code § NR 726.09(1). This form was last updated in October 2022 to clarify database fees and provide information on electronic submittals.

The current form can be found online, or by visiting, search “4400-202.” Please avoid using any desktop versions that you may have saved. A case closure request may be considered incomplete if submitted on an obsolete form.

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources suspended the requirement to submit a paper copy of the closure request form and supporting documentation. Customers are strongly encouraged to submit documents via the online Submittal Portal. Please refer to Guidance for Submitting Documents (RR-690) for additional information on the format and procedures for submitting documents to the RR Program.

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