Public Input Opportunity for DNR Publications – Guidance: Voluntary Party Exemption Liability (RR-0141), Guidance: Registering and Removing Underground Storage Tanks (RR-627), Guidance: Environmental Contamination & Your Real Estate (RR-973)

The Remediation and Redevelopment Program is currently seeking input three publications:

Guidance: Voluntary Party Exemption Liability (RR-0141)
RR-0141 provides information about the voluntary party liability exemption (VPLE), which was created by the Wisconsin State Legislature in 1994 when Wisconsin Statutes § 292.15 was enacted to aid in the redevelopment of brownfield properties.

Submit comments to Michael Prager or to by Dec. 7, 2022.

Guidance: Registering and Removing Underground Storage Tanks (RR-627)
RR-627 outlines responsibilities for underground storage tanks and suggests best practices for registering and removing them.

Submit comments to Barry Ashenfelter or to by Dec. 7, 2022.

Guidance: Environmental Contamination & Your Real Estate (RR-973)
RR-973 provides information to help property owners understand the impact contamination may have on the market value of their property and the legal obligations they have should the property be sold in the future.

Submit comments to Barry Ashenfelter or to by Dec. 7, 2022.

The documents may be found at the RR Program’s Public Notices & Guidance webpage under the “Program Guidance” tab.

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