Now Available – RR-0133 and RR-0134, Optional Template Letters for Notification of Private Drinking Water Results

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program now offers two new, optional template letters to use when notifying private well users of drinking water sample results. Responsible parties must report all potable well sampling results to the DNR and well owners and occupants within 10 business days after receiving the sample results per Wis. Admin. Code § NR 716.14.

The publication Notification of Drinking Water Sample Results, RR-0133, can be used to notify the owner of a potable well and any occupants of the associated location that concentrations of contaminants in drinking water sample results attained or exceeded Wisconsin Administrative (Wis. Admin.) Code ch. NR 140 preventive action limits (PAL) or enforcement standards (ES) or the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) health-based recommended standards where standards do not yet exist in rule.

The publication Notification of Drinking Water Sample Results (No Exceedance), RR-0134, can be used to notify the owner of a potable well and any occupants of the associated location of drinking water sample results when concentrations of contaminants were either not detected or were below Wis. Admin. Code ch. NR 140 drinking water standards or health-based standards recommended by the DHS.

The documents may also be found on the RR Program’s Site Investigation Toolkit web page under the “Guidances” tab. Additional documents and guidance from the RR Program may be found using the search tools available on the publications and forms webpage.

Questions regarding notification of potable drinking water results at your site should be directed to your DNR project manager.

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