Public Input Opportunity: PECFA Usual and Customary Cost Schedule #27

The Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program seeks your input on the Usual and Customary (U&C) Task Reference Guide #27 (Publication RR 0113-E) and U&C Cost Schedule #27 (Publication RR 0113a-E). Both documents are available for review on the Wisconsin DNR’s proposed program guidance web page.

Comments on these documents are due by January 6, 2020, and may be submitted to Please use the subject line: RR-19-0113-D.

Document updates include a number of items related to the investigation and mitigation of vapor intrusion, such as the reimbursement of initial installation and vapor sampling, separating out costs associated with equipment needed to install vapor sampling points, and a new subtask for subsequent vapor sampling events after initial installation and sampling.

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