EPA Brownfields Redevelopment Webinars – Fall 2019

Mark your calendars and make plans to join the US EPA’s RE-Development Academy for Communities, a free three-part webinar series where you will learn the process for redeveloping a contaminated site through the eyes of a property developer.

These events are sponsored by the EPA’s Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization. For details and to register, click the separate links below:

September 13: Redevelopment Process: The Intersection of Real Estate and Brownfields
October 18: Peering into the Crystal Ball: How the Market Decides Future Use!
November 8: Pulling Back the Curtain: How Developers Make Money!

This series is designed for local government leaders, economic development and environmental protection professionals, community nonprofit organizations, and state and tribal partners. Through these webinars you’ll increase your understanding of the real estate development process.

You’ll learn about factors that motivate or discourage development of contaminated properties, how and when developers make decisions, special issues for consideration, pre/post redevelopment activities, cost determination and ROI.

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