Important DOA Forms Update for PECFA

As a reminder, the former two-page STAR Vendor Information form (old DOA-6457) is no longer valid or accepted by the Department of Administration (DOA). New claimants are required to submit the New Supplier Request form (DOA – 6460) and a matching IRS W-9 form. Existing claimants are only required to submit a copy of the current year’s IRS W-9 form with their claims, provided there are no updates to the name, address or tax identification number previously submitted.

In addition, DOA has updated the required STAR Vendor Address Update form (DOA – 6457) as of June 2019. The new form includes an area for the supplier to add in their Supplier ID as well as an area for the most recent payment number or amount received from the state. Claimants are now required to obtain the most up-to-date DOA Star Vendor Forms from RR Program staff. Please contact Adrian Herrera at or 608-266-2699 to obtain forms, and the new required information for the Address Update form if needed.

The State of Wisconsin’s financial system requires accurate and up-to-date claimant information to ensure timely payment of invoices and reimbursement of claims related to the PECFA program. DOA has indicated that old forms will not be accepted, and any new forms without the required information will also not be accepted. Accuracy of information will be checked during the claim audit process and claimants will be contacted if form information does not match the claimant information on file.

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