TAB webinar to address community engagement

If your community is challenged by the “engagement” requirement as part of your federal brownfield grant, the National Technical Assistance for Brownfields and the Technical Assistance to Brownfields (TAB) Program at Kansas State University are teaming up to help you out.

A webinar on Thursday, July 18 will cover various community engagement topics for new (or recent) ARC Grant award recipients. It’s free to join in, but registration is required to ensure your connection. Click here to register. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Blake Belanger or Sheree Walsh.

Local Governments, Coalitions, and Nonprofits who have been awarded FY2018 and FY2019 Brownfield ARC Cooperative Agreements, or existing brownfield grantees with project managers who are not as experienced with community involvement and engagement, are encouraged to participate.

The webinar will provide an introduction for building open, sustainable, and inclusive brownfield community engagement. Presenters will also discuss reasons for committing resources to community engagement, recruiting community members to meetings, setting goals for engagement sessions, identifying the types of questions to ask, and maintaining an inclusive and welcoming environment.

This webinar is sponsored by the National Technical Assistance to Brownfields Program, co-hosted by the Technical Assistance to Brownfields (TAB) Programs at Kansas State University (KSU), with funding provided by the U.S. EPA.

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