EPA Awards 2019 MAC Grants to Wisconsin Communities

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has awarded $3.69 million in Multipurpose, Assessment, and Cleanup (MAC) brownfields grants to seven Wisconsin communities.

Grants awarded by the EPA’s Brownfield Program provide communities across Wisconsin and the country with an opportunity to transform contaminated sites into community assets that attract jobs and achieve broader economic development outcomes while taking advantage of existing infrastructure. In many cases, brownfields grants have been shown to not only increase local tax revenue, but to also have a positive impact on residential property values.

Wisconsin’s MAC grant recipients and the award value include:

  • Calumet County (Assessment – Community-wide $300,000)
  • Green Bay Redevelopment Authority (Cleanup – Multi-Site: Nine Parcels that encompass “The Shipyard” $500,000)
  • Green Bay (Assessment – Community-wide $300,000)
  • Madison (Assessment – Community-wide $300,000)
  • Redevelopment Authority of the City of Milwaukee (Multipurpose – Community-wide $800,000)
  • Milwaukee (Cleanup – 2001 West Vliet Site $390,000)
  • Oshkosh (Assessment – Community-wide $300,000)
  • Racine Redevelopment Authority (Cleanup – Multi-Site: 615 Marquette Street Property and the $500,000
  • former Machinery Row Property)
  • Sheboygan County (Assessment – Community-wide $300,000)

A press release announcing the 2019 MAC grant recipients and a full list of award recipients is available on the EPA’s brownfields webpage.

Wisconsin communities and groups that didn’t receive a 2019 MAC award from the EPA are encouraged to contact the Wisconsin DNR Remediation and Redevelopment (RR) Program to learn more about two grant/loan programs administered by the RR Program: Wisconsin Assessment Monies (WAM) and Ready for Reuse. The Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) also provides brownfields grants.



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