News from the PECFA Program

U&C Schedule #22 Now Posted
The Usual & Customary Cost Standardized Invoice #22 is now posted for July 2017 through December 2017. Remediation and Redevelopment Program staff are currently in the process of updating the U&C Cost Schedule #22. For now, please use U&C Cost Schedule #21 if you have questions regarding specific tasks. 

Reminder: Current Tax Forms Required
Please be aware that the Department of Administration requires that current STAR Vendor and W-9 forms are submitted each year and whenever a claimant’s information changes (name, address or EIN). Current forms can be found on the PECFA website under the “Documents” tab.

PECFA Publications
PECFA forms and publications are in the process of being updated. This will include both a discontinuation and a combination of some forms to better reflect current laws and practices, and to streamline paperwork. The following have been updated or added as new:

Additional changes and updates will be announced in a future RR Report.

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