RR Program Successes Highlighted in Agency Report

Take a bow, RR Program, your FY2015 successes and milestones are front and center in the latest Annual Report from DNR’s Air, Waste, and Remediation and Redevelopment (AWaRe) Division. The 29-page report examines and highlights program successes in customer service, new laws and regulations, emerging and ongoing issues, and measuring program performance.Report Cover

During the reporting period, the RR Program celebrated its 20th anniversary. Since 1995, staff have worked with partners across the state, helping to clean up more than 15,000 brownfield properties and returning more than 20,000 acres back into productive use. The program marked the anniversary by continuing to work with our external advisory partner, the Wisconsin Brownfields Study Group, to create its 2015 Report – Investing in Wisconsin, which outlines proposals that will make a strong program even better.

Other RR notables in the Division Report include updates on major redevelopments in the Fox Valley and Madison, RR efforts to help clean up the former Badger ammo plant, and outreach achievements that help keep our partners and stakeholders informed and involved.

The Division’s commitment to service excellence was demonstrated by the fact that 97% of our customers who completed our survey indicated they were very satisfied or satisfied with the service they received from staff.

This is the AWaRe Division’s final annual report. The Division has merged with several DNR water programs and has formed the new Environmental Management Division.

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